Larry Bohen wrote:
I would appreciate the thoughts of the ShopSite folks.
Thank you
As Adam mentioned there is not a "confirm email address" option in
ShopSite 7. As far as I know there has been few if any request for this
feature in all previous version of ShopSite.
If you enable customer registration you can require the shopper to enter
the email address twice when creating their account. Then when they
login their email address will be automatically used to fill in the
email address on the billing screen. Also as Adam mentioned you could
use the "custom checkout fields" and some javascript to create your own
email address field and have the two values compared and if necessary
have the customer enter the email address again. You can also enable a
confirmation screen between the billing and thankyou screens. If you
have the confirmation screen enabled the shopper will see the email
address there and have a chance to go back and change it if necessary.
I personally dislike having to enter information twice on a website. I
can mistype something twice in a row pretty easy
so even having to
enter it twice is no guarantee that the shopper would get it right.
How important is it to you? How many others think that this is an
important issue?