Possibility to sort shopping cart by SKU or other field?

General ShopSite user discussion

Possibility to sort shopping cart by SKU or other field?

Postby Webmaster - Dave's Discou » Fri Apr 08, 2005 1:54 pm

One feature which would be very handy would be the option to either manually
or automatically sort the products as a customer adds them to their cart.

For example, lets say I have products with SKU's A1, B1, C1, and D1.

Currently, the products are listed in whatever order they are added to the
cart. Might be C1, then A1, then D1, then C1 again, then B1, etc...

I could greatly simplify my back-end fulfillment if Shopsite could sort the
SKU's in the cart, so when I retrieve the order, they are in some rational

Anyone else find this useful?
Webmaster - Dave's Discou

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