need help with customizing

General ShopSite user discussion

need help with customizing

Postby Ellen » Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:59 am

I am hoping someone on this forum can help me. I have just done my first
ecommerce website. I am using Shopsite Pro v.7., which provided my client,
who wanted this up and running in 2 weeks time, with most of the features he
desired. However, my client would now like to customize it a bit more, and I
don't know how to do it.Here is what I want to do:

The first time a customer makes a purchase, he is asked for a sales code for
his sales representative. This is a custom field on the shopping cart page.
I want this code to be associated with this client, so that whenever the
client makes a purchase, the sales rep gets credit. However, I don't want
the client to have to enter it each time he makes a purchase, so I only want
it to show up on the shopping cart when he is a 'new customer'. A client
must register before he can make a purchase and sign in each time after

I also want an email sent to the sales rep each time this client makes a

Now, I know Shopsite Pro offers an affiliate feature, where it will generate
a link for an affiliate to put on their website and when a purchase is
submitted, and an email is automatically sent to the affiliate. So I think
all the pieces of the puzzle are there, I just don't know how to modify it
for my specific need. I was told I could write a script in perl, save it as
a .cgi and upload it as an order api. But all that is greek to me! Can
anyone help me, PLEASEJ

Ellen Rothwax
Web Design & Developer

Re: need help with customizing

Postby jim » Wed Mar 09, 2005 11:04 pm

The only way to have a particular sale associated with some particular
sales representative would be to use the Associates feature of ShopSite.
The shopper would have to click on an associative link to have
something added to the cart and then the cart would contain information
for that associate. Once the shopper has finalize that order a new cart
is created for the shopper and keeps the associate information so that
the next time the shopper returns (within a certain lenght of time) the
associate will still get credit for the order. (This functionality is
present whether or not the shopper is registered.) When an order if
finalize and the merchant views the order in the back office of the
store the associate will receive an email saying an order has been placed.

Since the shopping cart with the associate information must be created
before other items are added to the cart, you could put a special page
in your store with a list of associates links and have the shopper click
on their representatives name/number before actually shopping.


Ellen wrote:
I am hoping someone on this forum can help me. I have just done my first
ecommerce website. I am using Shopsite Pro v.7., which provided my client,
who wanted this up and running in 2 weeks time, with most of the features he
desired. However, my client would now like to customize it a bit more, and I
don't know how to do it.Here is what I want to do:

The first time a customer makes a purchase, he is asked for a sales code for
his sales representative. This is a custom field on the shopping cart page.
I want this code to be associated with this client, so that whenever the
client makes a purchase, the sales rep gets credit. However, I don't want
the client to have to enter it each time he makes a purchase, so I only want
it to show up on the shopping cart when he is a 'new customer'. A client
must register before he can make a purchase and sign in each time after

I also want an email sent to the sales rep each time this client makes a

Now, I know Shopsite Pro offers an affiliate feature, where it will generate
a link for an affiliate to put on their website and when a purchase is
submitted, and an email is automatically sent to the affiliate. So I think
all the pieces of the puzzle are there, I just don't know how to modify it
for my specific need. I was told I could write a script in perl, save it as
a .cgi and upload it as an order api. But all that is greek to me! Can
anyone help me, PLEASEJ


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