
General ShopSite user discussion


Postby Adam » Wed Feb 09, 2005 8:41 am


Our company mainly sells downloadable files. We want to use the Digital
Download feature of ShopSite, but we don't want to store the downloadable
files on the server ShopSite is running on. Is there a way to specify
another location for the downloadable files?

We'll be using the Order Anywhere feature of ShopSite to integrate it in
with our existing web site. I've been able to figure out a way to add
multiple products to the shopping cart using a single "Add to Cart" button.
However, is there a way to automatically apply a coupon when a customer
clicks the "Add to Cart" button?

Thanks in advance for any help on these two issues.


Re: Questions

Postby jim » Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:00 am

The answers to both questions are no.

The download files must reside on the server
where ShopSite is installed.

There is no way to add a coupon at the same
time as a product is added to the cart. If you
have customer registration enabled you can apply
a coupon to the cart when the shopper registers.
This is done using the Groups feature in Customer
Registration. You could also put coupon links
on the shopping cart screen so the shopper could
add the coupon from there.


Adam wrote:

Our company mainly sells downloadable files. We want to use the Digital
Download feature of ShopSite, but we don't want to store the downloadable
files on the server ShopSite is running on. Is there a way to specify
another location for the downloadable files?

We'll be using the Order Anywhere feature of ShopSite to integrate it in
with our existing web site. I've been able to figure out a way to add
multiple products to the shopping cart using a single "Add to Cart" button.
However, is there a way to automatically apply a coupon when a customer
clicks the "Add to Cart" button?

Thanks in advance for any help on these two issues.


Re: Questions

Postby Adam » Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:05 am

Thanks Jim for the quick reply. Putting links on the shopping cart screen is
an interesting idea. Thanks for the tip.


The answers to both questions are no.

The download files must reside on the server
where ShopSite is installed.

There is no way to add a coupon at the same
time as a product is added to the cart. If you
have customer registration enabled you can apply
a coupon to the cart when the shopper registers.
This is done using the Groups feature in Customer
Registration. You could also put coupon links
on the shopping cart screen so the shopper could
add the coupon from there.


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