Stone Edge questions

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Stone Edge questions

Postby Gary » Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:24 am

We are considering adding the Stone Edge Order Manager system to our site.
I would be interested in any comments that others may have on this system.
How hard was the setup and did you use their express setup service to
install the software? Does the software have any shortcomings that we
should know about?

Bottom line is that it is a lot of money and we want to make sure it will
save enough time and effort to be a cost effective investment.

Feel free to comment in the forum or to me directly, if you prefer.

Thank you all very much.


Re: Stone Edge questions

Postby Brandon Eley » Mon Dec 13, 2004 8:21 am

We have been using ShopSite for about 5 years now and have been using
StoneEdge Order Manager and Product Manager for about 3. In my opinion,
the way ShopSite is now, Order Manager is a neccessity if you are
running a real business. ShopSite has no real order processing or
customer management features in the backoffice.

Order Manager lets you download orders and it will automatically sort
complete orders, orders with backordered items, etc. It also prints
customized packing slips and invoices, can send customized emails to
customers with merged data about their order, integrates with FedEx and
UPS software for shipping, and more.

We're small - sometimes we only ship out 10 packages a day - and we
still heavily rely on Order Manager. For stores that ship 100-1000
orders a day, I don't see how they could do it without Order Manager or
a program like it. I have never found anything else like it either BTW.

The only downside is the cost. Considering the price of ShopSite and the
upgrades to it, I think Order Manager and the support/upgrade contract
are a little on the expensive side. But, what are you to do??

Brandon Eley
EleyTech & RackData
T: [800] 682-2550
P: [706] 883-7078
C: [706] 668-0174

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Gary wrote:
We are considering adding the Stone Edge Order Manager system to our site.
I would be interested in any comments that others may have on this system.
How hard was the setup and did you use their express setup service to
install the software? Does the software have any shortcomings that we
should know about?

Bottom line is that it is a lot of money and we want to make sure it will
save enough time and effort to be a cost effective investment.

Feel free to comment in the forum or to me directly, if you prefer.

Thank you all very much.


Brandon Eley

Re: Stone Edge questions

Postby Gary Kennedy » Mon Dec 13, 2004 9:26 pm

I too have been using Stone Edge for over 5 years and don't know how I could
run my business with it. I use Order Manager and Ecom Assembler. This runs
my entire business for 5 sites including creating all the web pages daily
with hyperlinks created automatically. You might think Stone Edge is
expensive but I have found the time savings will pay for it over and over

Gary Kennedy
Toll-Free 877-362-7897
Fax 201-319-1446

Marty Shoes Inc.
60 Enterprise Ave. N.
Secaucus, NJ 07094
"Gary" <> wrote in message
We are considering adding the Stone Edge Order Manager system to our site.
I would be interested in any comments that others may have on this system.
How hard was the setup and did you use their express setup service to
install the software? Does the software have any shortcomings that we
should know about?

Bottom line is that it is a lot of money and we want to make sure it will
save enough time and effort to be a cost effective investment.

Feel free to comment in the forum or to me directly, if you prefer.

Thank you all very much.


Gary Kennedy

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