Gift certificate routine

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Gift certificate routine

Postby Nikolaus Gruchot » Tue Nov 09, 2004 9:48 am

Hi all :-(

the gift certificate routine claims that the values from the shopsite
generated drop down list in the format 10,00 Euro (note the comma, we are on
eng-EU as local setting) are not a valid value for the gift certficate.
Shopsite still calculates as it seems with 10.00 format and does not accept
its own values.

Nikolaus Gruchot

Re: Gift certificate routine

Postby jim » Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:44 pm

Nikolaus Gruchot wrote:
Hi all :-(

the gift certificate routine claims that the values from the shopsite
generated drop down list in the format 10,00 Euro (note the comma, we are on
eng-EU as local setting) are not a valid value for the gift certficate.
Shopsite still calculates as it seems with 10.00 format and does not accept
its own values.



Here is a way to work around the issue, as long as all of your gift
certificate values are in whole number amounts and you are using the
pull down menu method.

View the source of a gift certificate purchase page as you now have it
configured and copy the table that is generated by the
[-- GiftCertNumberAmount --] template tag. It should look something
like this: (between the lines

<table class="cert_num_amount">
<tr><td class="cert_num_amount">Number of gift certificates</td>
<td class="cert_num_amount">
<input type=text value="1" size=4 name=cert_qty >
<tr><td class="cert_num_amount">Amount of each gift certificate</td>
<td class="cert_num_amount"><select class="cert_num_amount"
<option value="10.00">EUR&nbsp;10,00</option>
<option value="20.00">EUR&nbsp;20,00</option>
<option value="30.00">EUR&nbsp;30,00</option>
<option value="100.00">EUR&nbsp;100,00</option>

Now edit the Gift Certificate custom template and replace the
[-- GiftCertNumberAmount --] tag with the source that you copied from
the generated page.

Edit the value for each of the options and remove the .00. So the
option would now look like
<option value="30">EUR&nbsp;30,00</option>

Once you have changed all the values save the template and you should
now be able to order gift certificates.

If you aren't using the pull down method, another way to work around the
problem would be to include the javascript code generated by ShopSite
directly in your template and comment out the part that does a validity
check on the numeric input field.

The problem will be fixed in a future release but with these solutions
you should at least be able to enable the feature now.


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