If in 7.1 I turn the default shipping option of and instead have:
->Please select your shipping option here;n
as first item in the menu and then put an item in the shopping cart -> fine
the line "Please select..." is displayed as it should.
But when I do now delete the item from the shopping cart _without_ selecting
a shipping option first, the cart empties and a _hard coded_ error message
appears on the top of the cart -> yellow triangle and the wording "Please
select a shipping option".
1. This message is in English and does not mean anything to a german shopper
2. This message does not make sense at all as the shopping cart is empty.
The same thing happens if no payment type is selected when the cart is
emptied, the error message then reads "Please select payment type".
A. You need to turn of the checking for shipping selected and payment
selected in this scenario, because it does not make sense.
B. These error messages need to be customizable in the back office, so that
I can translate them into german!
At this stage I can get only rid of the Select shipping option error message
by enabling the first shipping option as default. But I cannot disable the
Select payment type error message, as I cannot set the first payment type as
default as far as I can see.
This btw was not an issue with 7.0.
Best regards,
"Loren" <loren_d_c@yahoo.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
"Prior to implementing ShopSite Pro 7.1, we had chosen "no default"
shipping method in the Back Office. Evidently 7.1 reset our selection."
Note that all previous versions of ShopSite except v7.0 always had the
first shipping option selected by default. In v7.0 it was changed to force
the shopper to make a conscious selection before they could checkout, but
so many people upgrading from previous versions complained about it
(including on this newsgroup) that it was made an option in v7.1. Of
course since the previously unchangeable action was one way for folks
prior to v7.0 and another way for folks with v7.0, there is no way to
please both crowds with the default for the v7.1 setting, so merchants who
do not like the default in v7.1 will just have to change it.