I didn't check for all types of html in these fields so don't know for
sure if anything besides <font> tags would cause a problem or not. An
enhancement request was entered so the problems will be looked at for a
future release.
Now that the shopping cart is a custom template and can use cascading
style sheets, the better solution is to use the style associated with
the text string to do all the formatting rather than hard coding it in
the text itself.
You can view the source of the shopping cart screens and the various
style definitions associated with elements of the page. You can also
copy the ShopSite .css files to your store template area using the Copy
ShopSite Include or Copy ShopSite template buttons under Merchandising >
Custom templates.
If you want to temporarily override the ShopSite styles you can modify
the file you copy from the ShopSite area and then rename it to the same
name as what the ShopSite file was called. Then view the cart to see if
the change was what you wanted. If it doesn't look right you can modify
the file again or just delete it and the ShopSite style will again be
Chris wrote:
So, is it just <font> tags that cause the problem, or any HTML in these fields?
If so, is there a patch planned?
Nikolaus Gruchot wrote:
Hi all,
just fyi. After upgrading to SS 7.x we had problems with the customer
registration feature. The payment infomation and sometimes also the orders
themselves were not saving into the customer profile of the customer
Jim from Shopsite found that this was due to the fact that we had <font
tags in the fields for the payment fields -> Preferences -> Store Text -
As we are running our shop in German we have all fields translated in the
back office. From the past times where the custom templates could not be
applied to the cart / checkout etc. screens, we had set <font> tags in the
I have removed all <font> tags and use the customs templates and css now for
Just wanted to share this information. Maybe it comes helpful for somebody
else as well.
Best regards,
P.S. Special thanks to Jim for helping out here!