Number of products per page (or pagination) in version 7

General ShopSite user discussion

Number of products per page (or pagination) in version 7

Postby NuQ » Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:08 pm

What's the secret to getting this feature to work in version 7? If I set
the "Number Products" parameter to 50, it limits the products to 50, but it
doesn't create new links for the additional pages.

Any ideas?


Re: Number of products per page (or pagination) in version 7

Postby Jim » Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:48 pm

You need to set the number of products per page on the Page > Edit Page
Layout screen. You also need to make sure that under Utilities >
Publish that you have a value greater than 1 for the Maximum number of
Pagination pages. (Also check to make sure that you have more than 50
products assigned to the Page.)

If you are using a custom template of your own you need to have the tag
[-- PrevNext --] where you want the links to appear.


NuQ wrote:
What's the secret to getting this feature to work in version 7? If I set
the "Number Products" parameter to 50, it limits the products to 50, but it
doesn't create new links for the additional pages.

Any ideas?



Re: Number of products per page (or pagination) in version 7

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Jan 28, 2004 4:51 pm

Are you using a custom page template? If so, you have to add this new
feature to your custom template, specifically, the custom template tag
that will place the links to the additional paginated pages at a certain
place in your page. See the description of the new [-- PrevNext --] tag
here: ... .page.html

All of the built-in templates should have been updated during the
upgrade process so that they contain this already.


NuQ wrote:

What's the secret to getting this feature to work in version 7? If I set
the "Number Products" parameter to 50, it limits the products to 50, but it
doesn't create new links for the additional pages.

Any ideas?


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Re: Number of products per page (or pagination) in version 7

Postby NuQ » Wed Jan 28, 2004 5:16 pm

Thanks, Jim! Sorry for not being more specific. Yes, I was setting this
option in the Page Edit and did have the Util->Publish # of pages set to 10.
It was the [-- PrevNext --] missing from my custom template.

Thanks, again!

"Jim" <> wrote in message
You need to set the number of products per page on the Page > Edit Page
Layout screen. You also need to make sure that under Utilities
Publish that you have a value greater than 1 for the Maximum number of
Pagination pages. (Also check to make sure that you have more than 50
products assigned to the Page.)

If you are using a custom template of your own you need to have the tag
[-- PrevNext --] where you want the links to appear.


NuQ wrote:
What's the secret to getting this feature to work in version 7? If I
the "Number Products" parameter to 50, it limits the products to 50, but
doesn't create new links for the additional pages.

Any ideas?



Re: Number of products per page (or pagination) in version 7

Postby NuQ » Wed Jan 28, 2004 5:18 pm

Thanks, Loren! Sorry for not being more specific. Yes, I am using a custom
template. I added the [-- PrevNext --] tag and all is well now.

Thanks, again!

"Loren" <> wrote in message
Are you using a custom page template? If so, you have to add this new
feature to your custom template, specifically, the custom template tag
that will place the links to the additional paginated pages at a certain
place in your page. See the description of the new [-- PrevNext --] tag
here: ... .page.html

All of the built-in templates should have been updated during the
upgrade process so that they contain this already.


NuQ wrote:

What's the secret to getting this feature to work in version 7? If I
the "Number Products" parameter to 50, it limits the products to 50, but
doesn't create new links for the additional pages.

Any ideas?



Number of products per page (or pagination) in version 7

Postby bfaulk » Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:45 am

I also have 7, and am trying to do the exact same thing. But don't see a way to change the number of products on my page, using the path you describe. Is it possible this option has been removed by my admin? Or am I just missing it?
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Postby Jim » Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:08 am

This is a ShopSite Pro feature. Do you have the Pro version or a Manager version? YOu can tell which buy clicking on the green ShopSite tab and looking at the footer between the two ShopSite logos.
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Number of products per page (or pagination) in version 7

Postby bfaulk » Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:11 am

Hi Jim, it's manager. Is that why I can't see it? Is there another way to do this?

Thanks for the help.
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Postby Jim » Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:25 am

The feature is only available in Pro so if you have manager that is why you don't see it.

There is no way that you can automatically create multiple pages but you can create a number of pages and just assign a set number of products to each. If you know exactly how many pages you will have you could create your own links for different pages by giving each page of related products a name with asequential number and then hard code the links in the footer of the page. Not an easy task but is something you could try.
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Number of products per page (or pagination) in version 7

Postby bfaulk » Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:30 am

Thanks I'll try that.

The client has already filled the pages, she just wants them spread out to more pages, so at least I've got the file number already.

The guy that build this site for us left, so I'm learning this week on the fly. So this forum is a great help.
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Number of products per page (or pagination) in version 7

Postby bfaulk » Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:37 am

Jim, how do I assign a number of products to each page. I haven't seen that option either. Thanks again.
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Postby Jim » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:11 am

There are 2 editing modes for Pages and Products, one is called Basic Editing and the other is Advanced editing. How you assign products to pages depends on which mode you are in. There is a button at the bottom of the Pages and Products screen that switches between the two modes. If the buttons says Basic Editing you are in Advanced mode and if it says Advanced Editing you are in basic mode.

In the Advanced mode go to the "Pages" screen and click on the page you want to assign items to. Then click on the Assign Items button it will open a screen where you can select Pages or Products. Choose the Products option and click the Proceed button which will take you to a page with a window where you can select the products to assign to the page. To select multiple items hold the Ctrl key down as you click on the items you want assigned.

In the Basic editing mode you click on the page name and it will open a window with some page info at the top and then a list of all products with a check box by each. Just click in the box for the ones that you want assigned to the page.
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