Shopping Cart Graphics?

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Shopping Cart Graphics?

Postby Matt Flood » Wed Oct 17, 2001 11:05 am

I placed an image in the background for the shopping cart. Unfortunately
when you go to check out on the secure page you get the warning "not all
items are secure on this page" How can I make sure the graphics get sent to
the secure section as well?

Thanks for your help.
Matt Flood

Re: Shopping Cart Graphics?

Postby Gary Kennedy » Mon Oct 22, 2001 5:33 am

All images should have a reference to the https shopsite-images directory.
If thy are not located in that directory, you will get the mixed message.

Gary Kennedy / Melissa Buesing

Marty Shoes Inc.
60 Enterprise Ave. N.
Secaucus, NJ 07094
Toll Free: 800-262-7897
Fax: 201-319-1446
"Matt Flood" <> wrote in message
I placed an image in the background for the shopping cart. Unfortunately
when you go to check out on the secure page you get the warning "not all
items are secure on this page" How can I make sure the graphics get sent
the secure section as well?

Thanks for your help.

Gary Kennedy

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