country selection on cart page

General ShopSite user discussion

country selection on cart page

Postby asteve » Fri May 07, 2021 9:53 pm

In the cart page it isn't displaying a choice of countries when the item in the cart is set on "No Shipping charges" checked in its product info. I would like on the cart page for the customer to select what country the item is shipping to, before he continues to the checkout page. I have a script on the checkout page that needs this information. It is running the script if the country is not US.
if (document.billing.elements['ShipCountry'].value != "United States")
Is there a way to have the country choices appear on the cart when the item is set on "No Shipping charges"?
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Joined: Fri May 07, 2021 9:32 pm

Re: country selection on cart page

Postby cyoung » Tue May 25, 2021 12:45 pm

The only time that Country and Zip will be on the initial shopping cart screen is when it is required to calculated shipping and/or tax. In this case where they are not using a zip-based tax method, it will appear when there is shipping to calculate.

There are a few options, one would be to switch to a zip-based tax method so that the zip/country would always be on the cart screen for tax calculation purposes (unless all the products in the cart are also marked as non-taxable).

Another option would be to use the Custom Shopping Cart fields and 'Javascript added at start of built-in CheckIt function' (both configured in Commerce > Order System > Shopping Cart) to add your own Country pull-down on the shopping cart screen if the regular one isn't there and prevent the shopper from proceeding to checkout if they choose the 'wrong' country for the products in the cart.
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Joined: Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:01 am

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