Newbie question - Why more products than pages?

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Newbie question - Why more products than pages?

Postby CoreyCreed » Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:38 am

Hi everyone. I'm a long-time ecommerce guy, but this is my first time working with Shopsite. I'm doing it for a client.

I have done a full export of products and am trying to figure out why there are 29,074 products being exported, but only about 14,000 product pages on the site. I have gone through every field that Shopsite exports and I was expecting to find about half of my products as "disabled" but that is not the case.

Is there some other way of finding which products are not on the site? I don't want to export products that are not actually active on the site.

Seems like I'm missing something obvious. Any ideas?

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Re: Newbie question - Why more products than pages?

Postby cyoung » Tue Dec 17, 2019 3:55 pm

1) Only products with the More Info Page option checked would generate their own HTML page, this field is in the product download.

2) Also, only products that are assigned to a store page will have a More Info page generated.

3) Disabling a product will prevent its more info page from being regenerated by Publish (and the link to it will be removed from the published store pages), however the more info page file itself doesn't get deleted, so disabling products probably wouldn't account for any of this unless the product was disabled as soon as it was created (i.e.
before it was ever published).

4) Under Products there is a ‘Product on Pages’ field that shows if the products have been assigned to a ShopSite generated page, and which page they are assigned to. If this field is blank it isn't assigned to a ShopSite page but if order buttons are being used it may have been added to a non-ShopSite page.
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Re: Newbie question - Why more products than pages?

Postby CoreyCreed » Tue Dec 17, 2019 6:40 pm

Thank you very much cyoung. I really appreciate your assistance in understanding Shopsite.

Regarding this comment:
cyoung wrote:1) Only products with the More Info Page option checked would generate their own HTML page, this field is in the product download.

What does this mean for the other products that do not have the "More Info Page" option checked? Are they not purchase-able or even visible on the site?

As a reminder, only 14K of my 29K products have a page. So can I just ignore the other 15K? Are they not even on the site now?

Thanks again!
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Joined: Tue Dec 17, 2019 11:30 am

Re: Newbie question - Why more products than pages?

Postby CoreyCreed » Thu Dec 19, 2019 7:57 am

Anyone else have any thoughts on this? Seems strange to have all these thousands of products that do not seem to show anywhere on the site.
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Re: Newbie question - Why more products than pages?

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Dec 19, 2019 10:41 am

Products don't have to have their own pages to be on the site. A category Page can be assigned many products and those products can be purchased from there. Having a More Info Page for each product is optional.
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Re: Newbie question - Why more products than pages?

Postby dortchjm » Tue Dec 31, 2019 2:42 pm

Could the extra products be subproducts? I use subproducts for variations in sizes (ex. t-shirts) so all can list and be purchased on the same product page with one click. This results in several products for one page.
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Re: Newbie question - Why more products than pages?

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Jan 02, 2020 10:31 am

Yes. Unless the subproduct itself has it's More Info Page option turned on, a page will not be created for it.
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