Storing card data with an external cart

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Storing card data with an external cart

Postby Rgkopchak » Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:31 am

What are our options for keeping credit card information secure, but still use an external order manager? Right now, the user enters their info through the ShopSite cart, and we import that information into our third-party order manager. There we process the order, and capture the authorization once we've made sure everything is correct.

What is the best way to make sure I'm storing data securely, but still able to process orders and use the CC data I need in my order manager?

Thanks in advance, just a little confused on how Asymmetric encryption works.
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Re: Storing card data with an external cart

Postby ShopSite David » Fri Apr 19, 2019 4:09 pm

This would be a good overview of being PCI compliant:

Based upon your description I'm assuming you are downloading your orders to your laptop and then uploading them to your order manager. If this is the case then when you login and/or supply the merchant key (asymmetric) the encrypted order information will be decrypted and be downloaded securely using HTTPS. If it helps, Asymmetric encryption involves a public/private key. More on the two methods can be found here:

Switching to the merchant key method means you would need to upload the key (file on your local laptop) before you can view any order information. After you do that, the user experience is the same as it is now for you.
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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Re: Storing card data with an external order manager

Postby Rgkopchak » Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:07 am

We are using the StoneEdge order manager, running locally on our office computer, to download the order information. Pulling down the orders is done remotely through the Order Manager, so we do not typically "log into" ShopSite unless we are updating product. Is it possible to integrate the merchant key in this way? I've read the articles, but I'm unclear if it can work the way we've got it set up.

Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.
Posts: 61
Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 7:45 am
Location: Missouri

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