Moving Website/Shopsite - Install Getting Errors

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Moving Website/Shopsite - Install Getting Errors

Postby MorrisWood » Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:13 am

Moving our website from one ISP/server to a different ISP/server (among other reasons) in order to upgrade Shopsite to version upgrade purchased last month.
Uploaded the currently installed (on old server) ShopSite version to new hosting server (then will move store's Data dir, etc) and tried to run wwwinstall.cgi. Getting Internal Server Error from web browser and from command line getting "./wwwinstall.cgi
-jailshell: ./wwwinstall.cgi: /lib/ bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory"

Reviewed troubleshooing common mistakes when installing and all checked out OK:
1. Yes, are all the permissions correct: Install directory and files are all 755.
2. Yes, store.auth was uploaded in ASCII format.
3. Yes, Web server does allow .cgis to run. Created a simple "Hello World!" text .cgi script, compiled .c script and .pl Perl script to .cgi and they all ran in a browser OK.
4. Yes, install files were uploaded in BINARY format.
5. Yes, using the correct Store URL and ID that is in the store.auth file. Both the old and new server are running Linux.
6. Yes, the store.auth is in the install directory.

Am hoping this has happened to someone in the past and someone can help us. What else can we do to troubleshoot this?
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Re: Moving Website/Shopsite - Install Getting Errors

Postby robm » Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:38 am

This is likely due to running on a 64 bit OS, but not having support for 32-bit executables. Have your web host install "glibc.i686":
Code: Select all
yum install glibc.i686

See also:
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Re: Moving Website/Shopsite - Install Getting Errors

Postby MorrisWood » Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:20 am

Thank you for your reply!!
I thought the issue could be the 64-bit OS and had checked if ShopSite had a 64-bit version but there is none until version 12.
I will request our new ISP install the library and see what they say. Before selecting this ISP I verified the glib and kernel were sufficient, but did not think about a migration of 32-bit to 64-bit OS of ShopSite.
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Re: Moving Website/Shopsite - Install Getting Errors

Postby MorrisWood » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:07 pm

I did request to my new ISP/Webhosting company that they install support for the 32-bit executables. They balked at this (so far).
To verify again that the non-execution of 32-bit REALLY IS the issue I uploaded the 64-bit Shopsite to new webhosting company and the wwwinstall.cgi loaded without any problem!
My question: Is there a way to export our data from 32-bit ShopSite and import into 64-bit Shopsite? We are not running a full-blown ShopSite database website where all the website pages are dynamic. We use ShopSite for the shopping cart interface only and to provide the order shipping charges.
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Re: Moving Website/Shopsite - Install Getting Errors

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:23 am

The data in the data directory is compatible between the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the executables, so why not just use the 64-bit version? If you have to install with a newer ShopSite version, after you put the old data into the newly installed store just make sure you run the wwwinstall.cgi again and use the Update option to upgrade the old data to work with the newer version.

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Re: Moving Website/Shopsite - Install Getting Errors

Postby MorrisWood » Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:57 pm

Thank you, Loren, for confirming we can copy the data over.
I did successfully install the 64-bit version but when I click on the start.cgi link to log into the cart it displays:
Invalid Storeid (our storeid).
I searched on forum for why but found nothing that applied to our instance.
I am using our original store.auth file we had on our old server (32-bit.)
This new server is a different ISP and server (64-bit), but both are running Linux (though different flavors.)
Do I need to get a new store.auth file from ShopSite?
Or is there another reason for this issue?
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Re: Moving Website/Shopsite - Install Getting Errors

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Jul 11, 2018 2:04 pm

The old auth file should work just fine, there is nothing byte-specific about the auth file.

Can you verify that the auth file is the exact size on the new server as on the old? If it's missing any characters or was changed from a UNIX to DOS text file format or something like that it could cause issues.
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Re: Moving Website/Shopsite - Install Getting Errors

Postby MorrisWood » Thu Jul 12, 2018 8:14 am

They are the same:

Current server:
ubuntu:/home/domains/<domain-name>/hwsdata# ls -l *.auth
-rw-r--r-- 1 www-data www-data 404 Dec 7 2012 hwssc.auth

New server:
<domain-name>@mint1 [~/hwsdata]# ls -l *.auth
-rw-r--r-- 1 <domain-name> <domain-name> 404 Nov 2 2017 hwssc.auth

One note about the install in case it is pertinent: The install script could not create the directories so I finally got it installed by creating the directories before running the install program. Verified afterward that all the files were installed and correct permissions, etc. The store.auth was copied OK to data directory and renamed OK.

The new server is a shared hosting one.

Just now noticed that the files created/installed by the install script have owner and group of nobody rather than our account. Will contact ISP if I cannot change it through cPanel.
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Re: Moving Website/Shopsite - Install Getting Errors

Postby MorrisWood » Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:07 pm

Just an update on this issue. The web hosting company finally ended up moving us to a different server which had no problems at all with the ShopSite install. After ShopSite was installed there were other website items to set up and QA and we finished it today. The site is live now and ShopSite has no more UPS connection errors. Hurray!
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