Google Merchant Feed Product identifiers provided but...

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Google Merchant Feed Product identifiers provided but...

Postby lneibauer » Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:10 am

Hey all, We regularly upload most of our products through the Google Merchant feed. We have recently started to include some customized items. I started to get an error in the Google Merchant Center that says "Product identifiers provided but 'identifier_exists' set to false." I realize that this is only a warning in the google feed and not a hard disapproval in the feed but is there any way to fix this warning within ShopSite? For these custom items I have information in the Brand and MPN fields in the back end of Shopsite and "This product is a custom product without two of the three required unique identifiers (Brand, GTIN, MPN)" checked so that it knows that this is a custom item. Because it is a custom item I do not have a UPC number assigned to this item.

Has anyone else run into this issue before and is there a fix/work around for my issue.

If it makes a difference I am on Shopsite 14.0 R1

thanks in advance
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Location: Warminster, PA

Re: Google Merchant Feed Product identifiers provided but...

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:29 am

If you have 2 out of the 3 (Brand, GTIN, or MPN) filled in for a particular product, don't check the "This product is a custom product without two of the three required unique identifiers (Brand, GTIN, MPN)" box. That checkbox is what sends identifier_exists 'FALSE' for the product if checked.

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Re: Google Merchant Feed Product identifiers provided but...

Postby lneibauer » Wed Jul 11, 2018 9:34 am

OK I will give that a shot, I assumed I needed to so that since I do not have a UPC number associated with the custom products

Thank you
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Location: Warminster, PA

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