I am having problems getting PayPal Payments Pro to work.
In Payment Setup I have
PayPal Payments Pro selected for Credit Card processing
In Configure I have
Host: Live Server
Authorization Method: Use API Certificate
API Username & PWSD and the API Certificate are filled
Third Party Account is blank
Order PaymentAction: Sale
Display Err Details: Checked
Support Cards: four major CCs checked
CVV Help Text: CVV2 Help
CVV Help URL: http://www.shopsite.com/help/6.2/en-US/sc/pro/cvv2.help.html
When I enter a transaction and submit for processing, the screen hangs for several minutes then I get the following error message:
Error opening new basket database file "/home/ahoycaptain/ss-data/ip/SSMSB2188926721110752962.31620" from "./basket.new" This can be caused if the file "./basket.new" does not exist, or if either directory path has incorrect permissions or ownership. Please alert the store owner that this problem exists.
I should note that I have NOFRAUD installed if that makes a difference and that I have been accepting PayPal payments for customer transactions for many years without issue. But this is a different process I know.
Any help is appreciated.