How do I change HTTP: to HTTPS: for Shopsite generated pages

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How do I change HTTP: to HTTPS: for Shopsite generated pages

Postby hammer » Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:45 am


I want to use Https: for my shopsite generated store pages. I have added a new trusted certificate for the store. I already use https: for the shopping cart, back office, and merchant interface. I am running ShopSite® Pro 12 sp2 r4 on a Windows Server 12 with iis 8.5

Here is what I have now for the store for the shopping cart, merchant and back office (with a secure certificate)

I want to change the whole store to use SSL and be like this: (with a secure certificate) (as it is configured now)

I see a setting on the hosting for " Use SSL security in ShopSite Generated Pages and the order screen" but I am not sure what will happen if I select that. I don't want to blow the store pages apart.

Also, will need a new auth file as my auth file now has as the domain.

Thank you.
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Re: How do I change HTTP: to HTTPS: for Shopsite generated p

Postby robm » Thu Apr 26, 2018 12:38 pm


ShopSite has a knowledgebase article about how to do this:

Your web host should be able to help as well.

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Re: How do I change HTTP: to HTTPS: for Shopsite generated p

Postby hammer » Thu Apr 26, 2018 1:25 pm

Thank you for the quick reply.

I will review the knowledgebase article and make the suggested changes.

I just also would like to confirm that I will not need a new auth file. Or need to change the non secure URL that is currently in the auth file.
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Re: How do I change HTTP: to HTTPS: for Shopsite generated p

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Apr 26, 2018 1:29 pm

If you edit the auth file you will break your store. If you have ShopSite 12 sp1 you do not need a new auth to use https:// for the storefront, just check the 'Use SSL/TLS security in ShopSite Generated Pages and the order screen' checkbox as described in the kbase article.

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Re: How do I change HTTP: to HTTPS: for Shopsite generated p

Postby hammer » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:16 am

loren_d_c wrote:If you edit the auth file you will break your store. If you have ShopSite 12 sp1 you do not need a new auth to use https:// for the storefront, just check the 'Use SSL/TLS security in ShopSite Generated Pages and the order screen' checkbox as described in the kbase article.


Hello Loren,

I followed the knowledgebase instructions for making the change to ssl. It works now on desk top ... but the responsive design on mobile devices is having problems. Product images are not displaying and the much of the layout is not working. Would there be some element I have to update on the responsive design?

update: Never mind. It was a firewall issue. Needed to specify https for the web site to be allowed through.
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Re: How do I change HTTP: to HTTPS: for Shopsite generated p

Postby casadeyra » Tue May 22, 2018 2:27 am

loren_d_c wrote:If you edit the auth file you will break your store. If you have ShopSite 12 sp1 you do not need a new auth to use https:// for the storefront, just check the 'Use SSL/TLS security in ShopSite Generated Pages and the order screen' checkbox as described in the kbase article.


Thank you Loren cause I had a same questions. :)
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