Time It Takes to Upgrade to v12 SP3 R4? Hung or not?

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Time It Takes to Upgrade to v12 SP3 R4? Hung or not?

Postby ihssaplesk » Wed Oct 25, 2017 8:34 am

Started an upgrade from ShopSite Pro v11 sp1 r2 to version 12, sp3 r4. It started OK but then seemed to stall. The screen did not change for 22 minutes. The last lines are below. I finally aborted the install and restored the ShopSite directories from my backup in order to get the shopping cart working again on our website.

How long should this upgrade take - an hour, or two, or minutes? Was the install really hung at this point?

The files (upgrade_cr.dat, countries.xml) ARE in the data.tar file so why did it not tar them?

Installing file [upgrade_cr.dat] from [data] in [/var/www/vhosts/mywebsitedir/ssdata]...
/usr/lib/tar -xf /var/www/vhosts/websitedir/httpdocs/cgi-bin/ssi/data.tar upgrade_cr.dat

- Did not untar file upgrade_cr.dat

[ss] Error trying to install upgrade_cr.dat

Installing file [countries.xml] from [data] in [/var/www/vhosts/websitedir/ssdata]...
/usr/lib/tar -xf /var/www/vhosts/websitedir/httpdocs/cgi-bin/ssi/data.tar countries.xml

- Did not untar file countries.xml

[ss] Error trying to install countries.xml

Installing file [state_zips.dat] from [data] in [/var/www/vhosts/websitedir/ssdata]...
/usr/lib/tar -xf /var/www/vhosts/websitedir/httpdocs/cgi-bin/ssi/data.tar state_zips.dat
Last edited by ihssaplesk on Tue Oct 31, 2017 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Time It Takes to Upgrade to v12 SP3 R4? Hung or not?

Postby loren_d_c » Wed Oct 25, 2017 12:43 pm

Was the browser's loading icon still spinning?

The path to tar looks suspicious. I haven't usually seen it in /usr/lib/tar, I wonder if that's really a tar executable or just a library or something. Most common location for tar is just /bin/tar. The default tar path used by the install is just the first tar that it gets from the server environment, so that may not be the correct on in the case of this server, so you may need to change it from the default.

Only other thing I can think of that would prevent those files from being get untared from the install .tar files is diskspace. Make sure the volume the ShopSite files are on is not out of space, and that the site user has not reached a disk quota.

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Re: Time It Takes to Upgrade to v12 SP3 R4? Hung or not?

Postby ihssaplesk » Wed Oct 25, 2017 4:35 pm

Thank you for your post. It is much appreciated!
Browser's loading icon was still spinning, I think. There were four updated files in the data directory when I aborted the install.

I checked the tar and do need to change the path to /bin/tar. Thanks for pointing that out.
mysite@plesk01:~$ which tar

The /usr/lib/tar is a directory, not the executable.
mysite@plesk01:~$ ls -l /usr/lib | more
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 4 2014 tar

Checked the account's disk space used in control panel and it is OK - 8.8 GB of "unlimited"...

So if I correct the tar path maybe that will fix the issue? I am not certain the icon was still spinning or not - think it was.
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Re: Time It Takes to Upgrade to v12 SP3 R4? Hung or not?

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Oct 26, 2017 11:19 am

Yeah, I'll bet fixing the path to tar will fix you right up. The upgrade really can't do anything without being able to get the new files from the .tar files of the upgrade package.

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Re: Time It Takes to Upgrade to v12 SP3 R4? Hung or not?

Postby ihssaplesk » Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:17 am

Thanks again for your post!

Yesterday, after correcting the tar path, the upgrade went OK with the exception of repeated "Can not determine the image directory." messages. The image_dir: in [Storeid].aa is the correct images path. I did not think this was a crucial issue and started testing the cart.

After adding an item to the cart the order.cgi loaded, item was in the cart, UPS shipping pricing listed but a large gray transparent block filled most of the browser area and the Shopsite loading icon was spinning with "Processing..." under it. The cart never proceeds further.

Tested again and found if an item that has FREE FREIGHT or ships by truck (no freight calculations are done) then the order processes successfully. Has anyone reported an issue like this with upgrade v12 sp3 r4 (or any earlier rev)?

A few years ago we added javascript to the Shopping Cart Screen's "Javascript added at start of built-in Checkit function:'" field. After upgrade issue we tested if that was the problem by removing that code, cleared the browser's cache and tried it again and had the same problem. Thought maybe it was a UPS API issue and removed UPS as a shipping carrier but had the same spinning loading icon - would not proceed further.

I ended up restoring the shopping cart to version 11 to keep it somewhat functional (but has the UPS API issue.)

To see if this could be a bug in the upgrade code (tomorrow) I am upgrading the ShopSite cart on another website (same ISP and server type) to see if the same problem exists afterward. Any suggestions to troubleshoot this issue would be greatly appreciated!!
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Re: Time It Takes to Upgrade to v12 SP3 R4? Hung or not?

Postby loren_d_c » Fri Oct 27, 2017 1:11 pm

If there is a wwwinstall.aa file in the upgrade directory make sure it has the correct image_dir path. Also, is the image_dir in the storeid.aa the correct path for the image_url? And does that directory and the en-US directory in it and all the other subdirectories and files have correct permission? Those are the only things I can think to check right now.
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Re: Time It Takes to Upgrade to v12 SP3 R4? Hung or not?

Postby ihssaplesk » Sat Oct 28, 2017 1:52 pm

image_dir path correct in [storeid].aa.

The image_dir directory does have the en-US directory. Can you please confirm the permissions are correct?

image_dir directory is drwxr-xr-x 755
The en-US directory in it is drwxr-xr-x 755
All en-US subdirectorees are drwxr-xr-x 755 and images are -rw-r--r-- 644

Will upgrade ShopSite on our other website on Monday to see if that one has the hanging issue. Your latest suggestions will, indeed, help with that installation. Had different issues with that upgrade but should upgrade OK now, I believe.

Thank you for your posts!
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Re: Time It Takes to Upgrade to v12 SP3 R4? Hung or not?

Postby loren_d_c » Mon Oct 30, 2017 9:01 am

Those permissions are correct, assuming the owner of the files is the same the website (and therefore the wwwinstall.cgi process) is running as.

If the image directory upgrade was the only problem during the upgrade, you could just manually untar the en-US-images.tar file in the images/en-US/ directory, that is all the upgrade is doing with that.

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Re: Time It Takes to Upgrade to v12 SP3 R4? Hung or not?

Postby ihssaplesk » Fri Nov 10, 2017 4:28 pm

Monday we upgraded ShopSite on this website to V12 SP3 R4 again and it was still hanging on the ShopSite webpage after adding Free Freight or Ship via Truck items. Had to call in the "big guns" (Shopsite techs) to look at it and they located the problem. We were adding a JavaScript call to CheckIt() in our <body> tag, plus another JavaScript call triggering another CheckIt() function. In their words "After commenting these two things out, the loadmask doesn't hang around after the page is done reloading.". This info really helped us upgrade our other ShopSite cart today (Friday).
Thank you, ShopSite!!!
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