Uploading Multiple Images, With CSV, or Similar

General ShopSite user discussion

Uploading Multiple Images, With CSV, or Similar

Postby WillG » Mon May 15, 2017 2:10 pm

Hi, I'm doing a trial of Shopsite, and have a question;

I want to upload hundreds of products, each with multiple images, that are already in Csv spreadsheets. I know I can do that in Shopsite, but I can't find a sample Csv template.

Other ecommerce systems usually have a form, using a very exact layout. You either type directly into a copy of that template, or you re-sort the columns in your own spreadsheet, to match the template, and then save it as Csv.

In the case of multiple images for a product, other systems have you insert a number of blank rows before the next product in the list, (one for each additional image that will be used), and then continue listing the image Name or URL down into the new rows, in the assigned column for images. The images would be uploaded separately, usually by ftp.

I can't find a ShopSite template, showing the parameters of the columns, and the rows. I have searched Help, and the Forum, and have only found that there is a myriad of possible parameters for Csv (or other similar types of uploads), and a not quite relevant post here in the Forum, from 2014:
I don't see where it applies, unless I don't understand it correctly.

1) Is there a Csv (or other similar, tab delimited, etc) template for ShopSite?
2) Can MULTIPLE image URL's be loaded to the proper location, in ShopSite, in another way I don't know about?
3) Is there any way to avoid the lengthy process of individually picking the images from a directory, to assign them to a product?

Thanks for any help!


I finally thought of just downloading the test store products, but couldn't figger out how to do it. I wandered around until I found a video on it, and got it done. Now I have a template, and I think it will do what I want........

ANY additional help/advice is greatly appreciated.

Wish they would make the video, & help files relevant to both the newer back office layout, and the ShopSite Version (Starter, Manager or Pro). Many of the details like the above, are not covered in the feature list, and I would like to know that they will be in the version I choose (Manager or Pro).

Posts: 5
Joined: Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:33 am

Re: Uploading Multiple Images, With CSV, or Similar

Postby ajeffery » Tue May 16, 2017 3:54 pm

You can upload Products with multiple images assigned by adding the image URLs to the More information image fields. When you are downloading your Product upload 'template' make sure that the More Information Image fields are selected. Each More Information image field holds one Image URL.
Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Sep 29, 2016 12:48 pm

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