500 Server Error when choosing the Paypal Express button?

General ShopSite user discussion

500 Server Error when choosing the Paypal Express button?

Postby kepico » Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:50 am

Sorry, this is long - maybe someone has an idea or has been through this??

So I am have a problem with my shopsite store. Last week a customer emailed me to let me know that they could not order through the Paypal Express checkout at my store (it comes up to a 500 Server Error). I checked and sure enough the use of the Paypal button that should take you to Paypal site for checkout instead after a minute or so of waiting gave a 500 Server Error.

I was preparing to contact support and then for some reason I got a Paypal order from customer, I checked myself and sure enough it seemed fixed, clicking the Paypal button correctly sent you to Paypal to complete the order and then back to my site at the cart page to confirm the order.

Well today the "500 Server Error" came back, another customer let me know it is down. So I tried myself; Add item to cart (any item, I tried different ones, multiple, only one etc.) - click the "Checkout with Paypal" button - wait - wait - wait -wait - and eventually it gives a "500 Server Error" page.

My shopsite install is hosted by Bluehost, so tonight I contacted them and they say the server is fine there are no issues, here is what they say;

Bluehost support;
Sorry, This must be the issue with the coding.I have checked the server and there is no issue in the server

I replied with;
So inside Shopsite link to Paypal or Paypal itself, do you know?

Bluehost support;
Your website coding is causing 500 error. We do not provide support for coding related or website design related issues. Please contact any developer and they can help you to resolve your issue.

So I'm not sure what all that means but I went back to Paypal and looked over their "Integrating PayPal Express Checkout with ShopSite" page as I wanted to make sure my payment setup was correct.

When I first pulled up my shopsite\commerce\payment setup page I had the "Paypal Express Checkout" checked like always, I went to the "Configure" page, it was setup as;

Previous setup:
Host - Live server
Authentication - Use accelerated boarding is checked - merchent email was correct, API username is "administrator" and the API password was provided (appears to be random) - order payment action set to sale - display express checkout button is checked and position is set to "below checkout" (The API Certificate & Digital signature bixes were blank\empty)

So continuing to follow their "Intergrating Paypal Express checkout with shopsite" page it looked like some of my settings there did not match, I didn't make any changes to it and it was always working fine until now. So I went ahead and matched the settings they give. I was able to get an API username, API password & API digital signature, now I have;

Current setup:
Host - Live server
Authentication - merchent email was correct, API username is the one provided by Paypal (different from above) and the API password was provided (appears to be random generated) - the "Use API Digital Signature authentication" is checked with the Paypal supplied signature in the box - order payment action set to sale - display express checkout button is checked and position is set to "below checkout"

I clicked "Save Changes", restarted the browser, went to my site - added item to cart - clicked the "Checkout with Paypal" button..............and no change, still get a 500 Server Error.

And thats where I'm stuck for now, any help is appreciated!
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Re: 500 Server Error when choosing the Paypal Express button

Postby ShopSite David » Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:11 am

There is currently an issue on PayPal's end that they have yet to resolve. You can be notified by them about issues here:

However, that may not be the problem you are experiencing but it is strange that it was working and now is not. What is your store's URL?
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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Re: 500 Server Error when choosing the Paypal Express button

Postby kepico » Thu Nov 10, 2016 3:13 pm

Thank you for that link - it does say they have been having some issues with Paypal Express recently. Odd that I just now checked and it is now working again although it did take a while to get into the Paypal site.

So I really do not know what to do with the Payment Setup page, I kept it as the original setup and it worked once or twice, then it stopped working and I changed it thinking thats what I needed to do but it didn't work, now it seems to work although not great.

So should I go back to the original settings or ok to keep these with the digital signature etc. - they both seem to somewhat work?

Thank you for the help David, if it is ok I will PM you my site details as it requires a username\password to get in.
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