Themes and Templates

General ShopSite user discussion

Themes and Templates

Postby VinceS » Tue Nov 01, 2016 9:19 am

Is here a cross reference anywhere that would detail which themes and templates are compatible with each other.
The theme descriptions in some cases mention templates but not in all cases.

For instance, I am experimenting with the Compact Responsive theme. The description mentions that it uses the BB templates.
I would like to have Tabs on the product page so tried using the Bootstrap-Tabs.sst. They seem to be compatible, but I'm getting some odd results that I can't be tell if its a compatibility issue or just a configuration issue since I've only begun the process of changing themes.

Also is there a more comprehensive guide to the new responsive templates?
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Re: Themes and Templates

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:20 am

It isn't good to mix and match themes largely because each theme has stylesheets that are specific to that theme, and the product classes are often different from theme to theme. However, the BB themes have multiple templates to choose from, three of which have tabs on the product pages.

The regular BB-Product.sst has tabs below the more information page and add to cart section.
The BB-Product-2ColumnsTabs.sst has tabs in the right column on the product more information page.
The BB-Product-FullBrowserWidthImageTabs.sst has tabs in its own section lower on the product page.

To use the tabs in all these product templates, you will want to fill in the additional product fields such as: Specifications, How To Use, Materials, Returns, Shipping, etc.
- ShopSite Lauren
Contact me for help with any of your
custom ShopSite template questions.
ShopSite Lauren
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Re: Themes and Templates

Postby VinceS » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:37 am

Thanks Lauren

I was having difficulty finding a theme that used the Bootstrap-Tabs template but finally came across the Habits theme.

I have a couple of questions.

1) Where/how can I add tabs and change the tab title text?
2) Using the Habits theme and the Bootstrap-Tabs product template I'm getting a strange result on products with sub-products. The parent products price & sale price are not displayed on either the product page or the more information page. It seems to be being replaced by the sub-products with radio buttons. Very odd. The add to cart button is present but if I click it (as if I wanted to add the parent product) without selecting a radio button of a sub-products, clicking the Add To Cart button returns an error "Please specify a valid value for the itemnum ". If I select any of the radio buttoned sub products it adds the sub-product to the cart. There's no way to add the parent product to the cart.

Any ideas?
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Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:26 pm

Re: Themes and Templates

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:42 am


1. The tabs correspond to product fields such as "specifications" "how to use" and "materials". If you aren't using one of those for what it is called by default, you could use it for another field by just changing the title under Preferences > Store Text > Store Pages.

2. Could you give me an example? The prices should be displayed unless you have checked the checkboxes to not display prices. The error you are getting when not selecting a subproduct is how the template is designed. If you want the parent product to be listed in the list of subproducts, you will need to add the product as a subproduct to itself. If you want the parent product to always be added and the subproducts to be additional options, you will need to change the way the template functions.
- ShopSite Lauren
Contact me for help with any of your
custom ShopSite template questions.
ShopSite Lauren
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Location: Orem, UT

Re: Themes and Templates

Postby VinceS » Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:34 pm

Hi Lauren

Here's the link to the page
I have not made any selection to display or not display the pricing. The only difference between the four products in the first row, is that the first and second products on te left (the AquaLinks) do not have sub-products whereas the third and fourth products do have sub-products. Click on them and go to the more information pages of all of them to see the differences as well.

Also, is there any way to ADD more tabs over and above the four that are standard?
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Re: Themes and Templates

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:58 pm

Vince, the templates are working how they are suppose to. When you have subproducts, the parent product price is no longer displayed, only the per-pricing for the subproducts. It sounds like you want to use the subproduct feature as an up-sell/cross-sell feature rather than a typical subproduct feature. You will need to modify the template to get the display you want.

In general, here are the template modifications you will want to make:

1. In the DEFINE PRODUCT section and the DEFINE MORE_INFO section, you will want to change the:

[-- IF PRODUCT.SubProduct --]display subproducts only[-- ELSE --]display regular product layout[-- END_IF--]

statement to be more like:

[-- IF PRODUCT.SubProduct --]display subproducts [-- END_IF --] display regular product layout.

2. You will want to change the [-- VAR.SubProductType "radio" --] to [-- VAR.SubProductType "checkbox" --] so that the subproducts display with checkboxes so you can add more than 1 of them to the cart at a time. This var tag is found in the Bootstrap-VARs-DOCTYPE.sst include file in version 12 sp2 and earlier, and in the Bootstrap-VARs-Theme.sst include file in version 12 sp3.
- ShopSite Lauren
Contact me for help with any of your
custom ShopSite template questions.
ShopSite Lauren
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Location: Orem, UT

Re: Themes and Templates

Postby VinceS » Wed Nov 02, 2016 3:24 pm

HI Lauren
Thanks for helping with this, but I am really perplexed.
the parent product price is no longer displayed, only the per-pricing for the subproducts

This is the More Information page for the parent product! This is what the customer is looking to buy. The sub-products are accessories, add-ons after the fact. Why make the customer look elsewhere to add the parent product to the cart? I don't get it.

I can't say I have ever seen an online store like you are describing unless I am totally missing something. Which is certainly not out of the question.
Do you know of any ShopSite user whose store is using that theme/template combo that I could take a look at?

This is so different from the traditional Product > sub-product display. I just don't see how it works.

IF THERE'S ANYONE OUT THERE! PLEASE REPLY! Theme: Habit or Compact w/Template Bootstrap-Tabs or any of the BB templates

Thanks again
Posts: 134
Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:26 pm

Re: Themes and Templates

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:30 pm


What you are describing is a cross-sell/up-sell feature, which is what many merchants use. It is good for the customer, it is good for sales. Since there is a cross-sell/up-sell feature in ShopSite already, the subproduct feature is setup purposefully to work differently than the cross-sell.

The subproduct feature is there for products where there is a parent 'idea' or parent 'category' and the subproducts are the variations. For example, the parent product might be a fragrance. You don't want to list a price associated with the frangrance itself, but instead, the price is listed with the candle option and the perfume option, and the lotion option for the fragrance.

An actual store example of subproducts is uses the subproduct feature for their Martial Art Bo's and Staff's. Their Graphite Double Tapered Bo ( comes in different colors and different lengths and they have chosen to use the subproduct feature so that they don't have to list each color and length on its own product page. A customer can select the color and length that they want, and that subproduct will be added to the cart. The merchant could achieve a similar setup with Advanced Ordering Options to change the product sku and weight when added to the cart, but they have chosen subproducts so that multiple subproducts can be added at once.

Another actual store example of subproducts is They sell workbooks that can come in different formats, print, ebook, card deck, and bundles. They use the subproduct feature so that they can list their parent product, the workbook title, without a price associated, and have their subproducts listed with their individual prices and all behave differently when added to the cart (some are digital downloads, some are tangible products, some are both digital and tangible bundles).

If you want to change the subproduct feature to act like the cross-sell feature, you will need to modify the template.
- ShopSite Lauren
Contact me for help with any of your
custom ShopSite template questions.
ShopSite Lauren
Posts: 889
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Location: Orem, UT

Re: Themes and Templates

Postby VinceS » Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:13 am

Hi Lauren
To me, what you describe as "cross sell/up sell" is what you typically see as "Customers that bought this widget also bought this..." they can be very different products. I.E. "Customers that bought this electric drill also bought this electric saw", etc. The saw is not an accessory to the drill. They are two distinct products but share a category such as Power Tools.

A sub-product IS an accessory to the parent product. Using the above scenario, lets say the drill had an optional carrying case that is unique to that drill. The carry bag would display on the drill More Information page as a subproduct, not a variation of the product.

Variations of the product is what the Ordering Options is. Size, Color etc.

Using as an example, if I go to the stand that the sword is displayed on does not come with the sword. Its an accessory to the sword that would be listed under an Accessories tab or page section.

Its a very subtle difference in my mind. Maybe as I get more familiar with the concept it will make more sense. But for now it means a lot more changes to move to one of the new templates.
Posts: 134
Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:26 pm

Re: Themes and Templates

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:59 pm

The way the subproducts work in ShopSite work well for many merchants, but I understand that the display of the subproducts is not how you want it to work. Keep in mind that it is 2 small changes (1 of those changes is repeated in 4 include files) to the template to get the functionality that you are asking about.

You need to (1) remove the "else" option that chooses to "display the regular product display OR the subproducts". Just removing the [-- END_IF --] for the [-- IF PRODUCT.SubProduct --] statement and changing the [-- ELSE --] to the [-- END_IF --], the product add to cart section will display both the regular add to cart section, and the subproducts as radio buttons like they are now (you will also want to change this if statement in the product define for the price so that the regular price is displayed). If you then want to change the radio buttons to checkboxes, you only need to change the [-- VAR.SubProductType "radio" --] tag to [-- VAR.SubProductType "checkbox" --].

Below are examples files for changing the IF statements (both price files and both add to cart of each is more simple and is used on category pages and in cross sell sections, one of each has more information and is used on the more information pages...I made the same [-- END_IF--]/[-- ELSE --] tag changes in each).

Merchandising > Custom Templates > Includes > Bootstrap-Product-PriceSimpleSave.sst
(removed the [-- IF PRODUCT.Subproduct --] tag from around the price)
Code: Select all
[-- VAR.RegPriceOnly "no" --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.QuantityPricing --]<div class="quantitypricing small">[-- PRODUCT.QuantityPricing --]</div>
[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.DisplayPrice --]
<div class="prodprice [-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle --] [-- PRODUCT.PriceSize --] padsb" itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="">
  [-- IF PRODUCT.SaleAmount --]
    [-- IF PRODUCT.SaleOn --]
    <span class="saleprice">[-- STORE.CurrencySymbol --]<span itemprop="price">[-- PRODUCT.SaleAmount NO_SYMBOL --]</span></span> <span class="regprice strike plain padsh">[-- PRODUCT.Price --]</span> <span class="yousave green">[-- STORE.YouSave --] [-- PRODUCT.SavedAmount --]</span>
    [-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice --]<span class="line altprice small plain">(<span class="salepricealt [-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle --]">[-- PRODUCT.AltSaleAmount --]</span> <span class="regpricealt strike padsh">[-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --]</span>)</span>[-- END_IF --]
    [-- ELSE --][-- VAR.RegPriceOnly "yes" --]
    [-- END_IF --]
  [-- ELSE --][-- VAR.RegPriceOnly "yes" --]
  [-- END_IF --]

  [-- IF VAR.RegPriceOnly "yes" --]
    <span class="saleprice">[-- STORE.CurrencySymbol --]<span itemprop="price">[-- PRODUCT.Price NO_SYMBOL --]</span></span>
    [-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice --]<span class="line altprice small plain"><span class="salepricealt">([-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --])</span></span>[-- END_IF --]
  [-- END_IF --]
   [-- IF PRODUCT.GoogleAvailability --]<span class="hidden" itemprop="availability" content="[-- PRODUCT.GoogleAvailability --]">[-- PRODUCT.GoogleAvailability --]</span>[-- END_IF --]<meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="[-- STORE.CurrencyCode --]">
[-- END_IF --]

Merchandising > Custom Templates > Includes > Bootstrap-Product-PriceSimple.sst
(removed the [-- IF PRODUCT.Subproduct --] tag from around the price)
Code: Select all
[-- VAR.RegPriceOnly "no" --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.QuantityPricing --]<div class="quantitypricing small">[-- PRODUCT.QuantityPricing --]</div>
[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.DisplayPrice --]
<div class="prodprice [-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle --] [-- PRODUCT.PriceSize --] padsb" itemscope itemtype="">
  [-- IF PRODUCT.SaleAmount --]
    [-- IF PRODUCT.SaleOn --]
    <span class="saleprice">[-- STORE.CurrencySymbol --]<span itemprop="price">[-- PRODUCT.SaleAmount NO_SYMBOL --]</span></span> <span class="regprice strike plain padsh">[-- PRODUCT.Price --]</span>
    [-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice --]<span class="line altprice small plain">(<span class="salepricealt [-- PRODUCT.PriceStyle --]">[-- PRODUCT.AltSaleAmount --]</span> <span class="regpricealt strike padsh">[-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --]</span>)</span>[-- END_IF --]
    [-- ELSE --][-- VAR.RegPriceOnly "yes" --]
    [-- END_IF --]
  [-- ELSE --][-- VAR.RegPriceOnly "yes" --]
  [-- END_IF --]

  [-- IF VAR.RegPriceOnly "yes" --]
    <span class="saleprice">[-- STORE.CurrencySymbol --]<span itemprop="price">[-- PRODUCT.Price NO_SYMBOL --]</span></span>
    [-- IF PRODUCT.AltPrice --]<span class="line altprice small plain"><span class="salepricealt">([-- PRODUCT.AltPrice --])</span></span>[-- END_IF --]
  [-- END_IF --]
   [-- IF PRODUCT.GoogleAvailability --]<span class="hidden" itemprop="availability" content="[-- PRODUCT.GoogleAvailability --]">[-- PRODUCT.GoogleAvailability --]</span>[-- END_IF --]<meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="[-- STORE.CurrencyCode --]">
[-- END_IF --]

Merchandising > Custom Templates > Includes > Bootstrap-Product-AddToCartSizePopup.sst
(changed the [-- IF PRODUCT.Subproduct --][-- ELSE --][-- END_IF --] to just [-- IF PRODUCT.Subproduct --][-- END_IF --])
Code: Select all
[-- VAR.DisplayAddToCart "yes" --][-- IF STORE.Type "PROFESSIONAL" --][-- IF PRODUCT.OutOfStockLimit --][-- IF PRODUCT.QuantityOnHand LE PRODUCT.OutOfStockLimit --][-- VAR.DisplayAddToCart "no" --][-- END_IF --][-- END_IF --][-- END_IF --]
[-- VAR.DisplaySizeFitPopup "no" --][-- VAR.SizeFitRadio "no" --][-- IF VAR.DisplayAddToCart "yes" --][-- IF PRODUCT.SizeFitGuide EQ I --][-- IF PRODUCT.SizeFitGuideImage --][-- VAR.SizeFitRadio "yes" --][-- END_IF --][-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.SizeFitGuide EQ T--][-- IF PRODUCT.SizeFitGuideText --][-- VAR.SizeFitRadio "yes" --][-- END_IF --][-- END_IF --][-- END_IF --]
<form action="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL Base --]/order.cgi" method="post"><input name="storeid" value="[-- STORE.ID --]" type="hidden"><input name="dbname" value="products" type="hidden"><input name="function" value="add" type="hidden">
[-- IF PRODUCT.SubProduct --]
[-- IF VAR.DisplayAddToCart "yes" --]
<div class="prodsubprods inline left padsv">[-- VAR.SubProduct VAR.SubProductType --]
[-- IF VAR.SubProduct "select" --]<select name="itemnum">[-- LOOP Subproducts --][-- SUBPRODUCTS --][-- END_LOOP Subproducts --]</select>
[-- ELSE --][-- LOOP Subproducts --][-- SUBPRODUCTS --][-- END_LOOP Subproducts --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF VAR.DisplayAddToCart "yes" --]
<input name="itemnum" value="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]" type="hidden">
# variable options
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariableName? --]<span class="prodvarname line padst"><span>[-- VAR.ProductName --]</span> <input name="[--PRODUCT.RecordNumber--]:name" size="20" value="" type="text"></span>[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariableSKU? --]<span class="prodvarsku line padst"><span>[-- VAR.Sku --]</span> <input name="[--PRODUCT.RecordNumber--]:sku" size="10" value="" type="text"></span>[-- END_IF --]
<span class="prodvarprice line padst"><span>[-- VAR.Price --]</span> [-- STORE.CurrencySymbol --]<input name="[--PRODUCT.RecordNumber--]:price" size="4" value="" type="text"></span>
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
# ordering options
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayOrderingOptions --]

[-- IF VAR.SizeFitRadio "yes" --][-- IF PRODUCT.OptionFiniteText --][-- VAR.DisplaySizeFitPopup "yes" --]
<div id="moresize" class="padt"><button type="button" class="textlink small" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".moresize">[-- STORE.SizeFitGuide --]</button>
<div class="modal fade moresize" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="MoreInformationSize"><div class="modal-dialog modal-lg"><div class="modal-content pad">
[-- IF PRODUCT.SizeFitGuide EQ I --][-- PRODUCT.SizeFitGuideImage ONLY_ALT_TAG --][-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.SizeFitGuide EQ T --][-- PRODUCT.SizeFitGuideText --][-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --][-- END_IF --]

[-- IF VAR.DisplayAddToCart "yes" --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.OptionFiniteText --]<div class="prodoptions padsv">[-- IF PRODUCT.OptionText --]<span class="prodoptionstext line">[-- PRODUCT.OptionText --]</span>[-- END_IF --][-- Order_Option_Menu NoFormat --]</div>[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.OptionsBox --]<div class="prodtextarea padsb">[-- IF PRODUCT.OptionsBoxHeader --]<span class="prodtextareatext line">[-- PRODUCT.OptionsBoxHeader --]</span>[-- END_IF --]<textarea name="[-- PRODUCT.Recordnumber --]:freeopt" cols="[-- PRODUCT.OptionsBoxColumns --]" rows="[-- PRODUCT.OptionsBoxRows --]"></textarea></div>[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
# end display ordering options
[-- END_IF --]

[-- IF VAR.DisplayAddToCart "yes" --][-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayOrderQuantity --]<span class="prodqty line padst"><span>[-- STORE.Qty --]</span> <input size="3" value="[-- IF PRODUCT.MinimumQuantity GT 0 --][-- PRODUCT.MinimumQuantity --][-- ELSE --]1[-- END_IF --]" name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:qnty" type="text"></span>[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.MinimumQuantity GT 0 --]<input size="3" value="[-- PRODUCT.MinimumQuantity --]" name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:qnty" type="hidden">[-- END_IF --][-- END_IF --]
[-- IF VAR.DisplayAddToCart "yes" --]<span class="prodadd line padsv">[-- IF ADDIMAGE? --]<input [--addimage--] type="image">[-- ELSE --]<input class="add" value="[-- ADDTEXT --]" type="submit">[-- END_IF --]</span>[-- END_IF --]

Merchandising > Custom Templates > Includes > Bootstrap-Product-AddToCart.sst
(changed the [-- IF PRODUCT.Subproduct --][-- ELSE --][-- END_IF --] to just [-- IF PRODUCT.Subproduct --][-- END_IF --])
Code: Select all
[-- VAR.DisplayAddToCart "yes" --][-- IF STORE.Type "PROFESSIONAL" --][-- IF PRODUCT.OutOfStockLimit --][-- IF PRODUCT.QuantityOnHand LE PRODUCT.OutOfStockLimit --][-- VAR.DisplayAddToCart "no" --][-- END_IF --][-- END_IF --][-- END_IF --]
[-- IF VAR.DisplayAddToCart "yes" --]
<form action="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL Base --]/order.cgi" method="post"><input name="storeid" value="[-- STORE.ID --]" type="hidden"><input name="dbname" value="products" type="hidden"><input name="function" value="add" type="hidden">
[-- IF PRODUCT.SubProduct --]
<div class="prodsubprods inline left padsv">[-- VAR.SubProduct VAR.SubProductType --]
[-- IF VAR.SubProduct "select" --]<select name="itemnum">[-- LOOP Subproducts --][-- SUBPRODUCTS --][-- END_LOOP Subproducts --]</select>
[-- ELSE --][-- LOOP Subproducts --][-- SUBPRODUCTS --][-- END_LOOP Subproducts --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
<input name="itemnum" value="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]" type="hidden">
# variable options
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariablePrice? --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariableName? --]<span class="prodvarname line padst"><span>[-- VAR.ProductName --]</span> <input name="[--PRODUCT.RecordNumber--]:name" size="20" value="" type="text"></span>[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.VariableSKU? --]<span class="prodvarsku line padst"><span>[-- VAR.Sku --]</span> <input name="[--PRODUCT.RecordNumber--]:sku" size="10" value="" type="text"></span>[-- END_IF --]
<span class="prodvarprice line padst"><span>[-- VAR.Price --]</span> [-- STORE.CurrencySymbol --]<input name="[--PRODUCT.RecordNumber--]:price" size="4" value="" type="text"></span>
[-- END_IF --]
# ordering options
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayOrderingOptions --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.OptionFiniteText --]<div class="prodoptions padst">[-- IF PRODUCT.OptionText --]<span class="prodoptionstext line">[-- PRODUCT.OptionText --]</span>[-- END_IF --][-- Order_Option_Menu NoFormat --]</div>[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.OptionsBox --]<div class="prodtextarea padst">[-- IF PRODUCT.OptionsBoxHeader --]<span class="prodtextareatext line">[-- PRODUCT.OptionsBoxHeader --]</span>[-- END_IF --]<textarea name="[-- PRODUCT.Recordnumber --]:freeopt" cols="[-- PRODUCT.OptionsBoxColumns --]" rows="[-- PRODUCT.OptionsBoxRows --]"></textarea></div>[-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF PRODUCT.DisplayOrderQuantity --]<span class="prodqty line padst"><span>[-- STORE.Qty --]</span> <input size="3" value="[-- IF PRODUCT.MinimumQuantity GT 0 --][-- PRODUCT.MinimumQuantity --][-- ELSE --]1[-- END_IF --]" name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:qnty" type="text"></span>[-- ELSE_IF PRODUCT.MinimumQuantity GT 0 --]<input size="3" value="[-- PRODUCT.MinimumQuantity --]" name="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:qnty" type="hidden">[-- END_IF --]
<span class="prodadd line padsv">[-- IF ADDIMAGE? --]<input [--addimage--] type="image">[-- ELSE --]<input class="add" value="[-- ADDTEXT --]" type="submit">[-- END_IF --]</span>
[-- END_IF --]

Merchandising > Custom Templates > Includes > Bootstrap-VARs-Theme.sst
(first line has the var that was changed, that was the only thing changed)

Code: Select all
##### Subproduct Display:     "radio"     "checkbox"     "select"     "table"  // radio is the default
[-- VAR.SubProductType "checkbox" --]
[-- VAR.HeaderField "" --][-- VAR.FooterField "" --][-- IF VAR.Type NE "more" --][-- VAR.FileName "" --][-- END_IF --][-- VAR.ForceSubProductType "" --]
[-- IF VAR.Secure "yes" --][-- IF SC_USE_SECURITY --][-- VAR.URL STORE.Output_Secure_URL --][-- ELSE --][-- VAR.URL STORE.Output_URL --][-- END_IF --][-- ELSE --][-- VAR.URL STORE.Output_URL --][-- END_IF --]
[-- VAR.SearchFormat "medium" --][-- VAR.PageAlign "left" --]
[-- VAR.DefineSubproduct "Bootstrap-DefineSubproduct.sst" --][-- VAR.DefineProduct "Bootstrap-DefineProduct.sst" --][-- VAR.DefineCrossSell "Bootstrap-DefineProduct.sst" --]
[-- VAR.Breadcrumbs "yes" --]
# need to do page and mi page header/footer
###################################### Page VARs
[-- IF VAR.Type "page" --]
[-- IF PAGE.Layout "Centered" --][-- VAR.PageAlign "center" --][-- ELSE_IF PAGE.Layout "Right aligned" --][-- VAR.PageAlign "right" --][-- ELSE_IF PAGE.Layout "Staggered; Start right" --][-- VAR.PageAlign "right" --][-- ELSE --][-- VAR.PageAlign "left" --][-- END_IF --]
[-- VAR.FileName PAGE.FileName --]
[-- IF PAGE.LinkName --][-- VAR.LinkName PAGE.LinkName --][-- ELSE --][-- VAR.LinkName PAGE.Name --][-- END_IF --]
[-- END_IF --]
###################################### VARs for Bootstrap-Two templates
[-- VAR.jQuery "//" --]
[-- VAR.BootstrapJS "//" --]
# option of classes "container" or "container-fluid"
[-- VAR.Container "container" --]
# Mini Cart Format "ItemCount" "Subtotal" "Summary"
[-- VAR.MiniCartFormat "Subtotal" --]
[-- VAR.PageContained "yes" --]
# The style settings below have already been setup for built in themes.
# If you do not want these styles, just leave them blank
# BorderStyle - options are:
# "withshade" - for borders on some elements and shading on some elements
# "chunkyborders" - for some regular and some chunky borders on certain elements
# "dashedborders" - for some dashed borders on certain elements
# "dottedborders" - for some dotted borders on certain elements
# "doubleborders"
[-- VAR.BorderStyle "withshade" --]
[-- VAR.BorderColor STORE.Color2 --]
# ColorAccent and ColorAccentFieldMap
# ColorAccent can either be "coloraccent" or left blank for no color accent ""
# ColorAccentFieldMap, if you are using the color accent option, specify which STORE.- color field to use.
# For example, if you want to use the store color 1 field, type STORE.Color1 inside the tag without quotes
[-- VAR.ColorAccent "" --]
[-- VAR.ColorAccentFieldMap STORE.Color1 --]
# CaseAccent can be "upper" or "lower" to force certain elements uppercase or lowercase.
[-- VAR.CaseAccent "upper" --]
# PageHealth can be "skinny" "healthy" or "plump" which will add or reduce spacing in many areas of the design.
[-- VAR.PageHealth "healthy" --]
# Shape can be "squared" "rounded" or "circled"
[-- VAR.Shape "rounded" --][-- VAR.RoundedRadius "4" --]
# Button Colors
[-- VAR.ButtonColor STORE.LinkColor --]
[-- VAR.ButtonHoverColor STORE.VisitedLinkColor --]
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[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000013" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "1" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "1" --][-- VAR.Theme "11" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Muli" --]
[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000014" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "1" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "1" --][-- VAR.Theme "12" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Lato:400,700" --]
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[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000016" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "1" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "1" --][-- VAR.Theme "14" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Lato:400,700" --]
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[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000018" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "1" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "1" --][-- VAR.Theme "16" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Lato:400,700" --]
[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000019" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "1" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "1" --][-- VAR.Theme "17" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Lato:400,700" --]
[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000020" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "1" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "1" --][-- VAR.Theme "18" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Lato:400,700" --]
[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000021" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "1" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "5" --][-- VAR.Theme "19" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Lato:400,700" --]
[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000022" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "1" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "1" --][-- VAR.Theme "20" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Lato:400,700" --]
[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000023" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "1" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "1" --][-- VAR.Theme "21" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Lato:400,700" --]
[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000024" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "1" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "1" --][-- VAR.Theme "22" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Lato:400,700" --]
[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000025" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "1" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "1" --][-- VAR.Theme "23" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Lato:400,700" --]
[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000026" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "8" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "1" --][-- VAR.Theme "24" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Droid+Serif" --]
[-- ELSE_IF STORE.Color5 "000027" --][-- VAR.HeaderNum "1" --][-- VAR.FooterNum "1" --][-- VAR.Theme "25" --][-- VAR.GoogleFont "Lato:400,700" --]
[-- ELSE --][-- VAR.CustomTheme "yes" --][-- INCLUDE Bootstrap-Two-CustomTheme.sst PROCESS --]
[-- END_IF --]
- ShopSite Lauren
Contact me for help with any of your
custom ShopSite template questions.
ShopSite Lauren
Posts: 889
Joined: Fri Aug 11, 2006 1:35 pm
Location: Orem, UT

Re: Themes and Templates

Postby VinceS » Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:05 am

Hi Lauren
Over the past 10+ years using ShopSite and posting on the forum, I've always found your help and expertise to be exceptional. You've once again proven that to be true.
Thank you for offering a solution rather than just a "Well, that's the way it is. Deal with it." answer.
Sincerely, Thank you.
Posts: 134
Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:26 pm

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