Technical question about shopsite and ReadyShipper

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Technical question about shopsite and ReadyShipper

Postby silken » Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:55 pm

I have just signed up to use TrueShip's ReadyShipper and I have a shopsite question: we process all orders manually, so we go into the backoffice, bring up orders, and when we 'view' orders it eliminates the ccv (credit card code.)

If I download or import orders into ReadyShipper before having 'viewed' them, will that process eliminate the ccv (thereby making it impossible for me to charge the order?) Or, if I view the orders first, which would make more sense, will I be able to get ReadyShipper to import what it might see as an already processed order?

I hope this question makes sense!

Thanks in advance for your help and attention,
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Re: Technical question about shopsite and ReadyShipper

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:58 am

This would depend on how ReadyShipper is requesting the order information. If they don't need the payment info, then they shouldn't be requesting it. If the payment info is not downloaded, then the CVV2 stays intact until you view the order. If they are requesting payment info in the download, then the CVV2 will be purged when it is downloaded.

See also the description of the 'pay' parameter in the order download API documentation:

Basically, if you are doing manual credit card processing you get one shot at the CVV2 info in any given order (if you are using a payment gateway for credit cards, ShopSite will never store the CVV2), whether it is by download (if CVV2 info is included in the download) or by viewing the order.

Also, viewing an order in ShopSite shouldn't make a difference as far as downloading it in ReadyShipper. There is no provision in the download API to specify only downloading unviewed orders.

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Re: Technical question about shopsite and ReadyShipper

Postby silken » Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:15 pm

Cool, thanks! According to TrueShip, they are not looking at an payment information, just the shipping information and the order details (apparently they can create a packing list.)

That is so helpful, because I didn't want to blow it and accidentally mess up my ability to charge.

Many thanks, Loren,

P.S. Upon your advice we moved to Lexiconn, and couldn't be happier!
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Re: Technical question about shopsite and ReadyShipper

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:27 pm

They could still download the payment information even though they don't use it, but I figured it is unlikely that they would.

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Re: Technical question about shopsite and ReadyShipper

Postby silken » Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:34 pm

Thanks, I'll be careful!
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Location: santa cruz, ca

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