Message response to zip codes

General ShopSite user discussion

Message response to zip codes

Postby johnbiggscr » Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:00 am

We want to set up a message response when a customer enters a zip code that is outside the contiguous US.
We had an order come in from a customer in Hawaii and they were charged the same flat rate shipping that someone from a contiguous state would have been charged, which means they way under paid for shipping.
What we are looking for is to check the zip code a customer enters on the cart page and if it is from Hawaii, Alaska or any other destination we wish to block, then we want a message that says they have to use a different button to continue (which have an international shipping option)

I cant see anything obvious within shopsite itself so I am guessing I would need javascript or something.
Can anyone confirm that?
And if confirmed then I guess the next question is: if I need javascript then what variable is it I would be checking for and what would be the easiest way to check for multiple zip codes using wildcards?
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Re: Message response to zip codes

Postby Jim » Thu Mar 10, 2016 10:50 am

The easiest solution would be to use one of the real-time shipping carriers, UPS, FedEx, USPS which will automatically take into account the shipping destination and charge the appropriate fee.
If you have a ShopSite Pro level store javascript would be a possibility to use but it does take a knowledge of javascript and ShopSite to incorporate it into the cart. I think there have been a few other posts in the forum requesting how to do similar things so you might try a search and see if you can find javascript that would work.
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Re: Message response to zip codes

Postby psldesigns » Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:22 am

If you host at Lexiconn, they have a custom shipping module that talks to shopsite. With it you can set shipping for each state, international, have different shipping tables. I have used it with many clients and it works great. I don't know if they sell it if you are not one of their hosting customers, but you could check. Here is the info for it: . They give it to you free if you are one of their ShopSite Pro customers.
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