Replace Review Stars with custom image

General ShopSite user discussion

Replace Review Stars with custom image

Postby hammer » Wed Jan 27, 2016 7:23 am


I was wondering if there is a work around to replace the Reviews star image with another image. I only want to do it for one store so I don't want to just upload and rename the star image. I am using the rv_reviewsdefault.sst. Would the best way be to edit this template and save as a new reviews page template ... how would that affect the ability to use the reviews configuration page when selecting an image.

Thank you.
Posts: 127
Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:22 am

Re: Replace Review Stars with custom image

Postby Jim » Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:53 am

The entire content of the review page is output by a single tag [-- REVIEWS_MAIN --] This tag uses setting from the Merchandising > Product Reviews > Configure screen. I can't find any way to replace the image used for the stars other than the choice of the two options for Start image on the configuration screen, a filled image or an outlined image. So probably the only way to change the look would be to replace the image itself. Note that the image is not in a location where most merchants would have access to change it so you may need to have server level access to actually replace the image. (Viewing the source of the page you should be able to see the path where the image is located relative to your ShopSite installation.)
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Re: Replace Review Stars with custom image

Postby hammer » Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:40 am

Thank you, Jim.

I don't want to change to star for the other stores.

Perhaps you could add a select custom image option for the review page stars as a new feature. My competitors customize their review stars, which is where I got the idea.

Thanks for the reply.
Posts: 127
Joined: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:22 am

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