I would suggest moving the navigation menu, extra links (which you aren't using currently, such as the registration and gift certificate links) and search to the right side of the header instead of keeping them in the left with the other header content. You can do this with the following steps:
1. Go to Merchandising > Custom Templates > Includes > New Include, and create a new include file called "
BB-Header-Fearless.sst" this new include file will replace/override the original. (You can always undo this by simply deleting this file. It will not delete the original.)
2. Edit your newly created BB-Header-Fearless.sst include file, pasting in the following code. Save changes and regenerate your store (Utilities > Publish > Regenerate).
- Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript">var $ = ss_jQuery, jQuery = ss_jQuery;</script>[-- VAR.FooterCloseDiv "yes" --]
<header><div id="fl-header" class="olh">
<div id="fl-leftheader" class="olhel">
[-- VAR.MakeLogo "yes" --][-- IF STORE.UseCompanyLogo --][-- IF STORE.CompanyLogo --]<div id="fl-logoin"><a href="[-- IF STORE.CompanyURL --][-- STORE.CompanyURL --][-- ELSE --][-- MyStoreURL --][-- END_IF --]"[-- IF STORE.Name --] title="[-- STORE.Name REMOVE_HTML --]"[-- END_IF --]>[-- STORE.CompanyLogo ONLY_ALT_TAG --]</a></div>[-- VAR.MakeLogo "no" --][-- END_IF --][-- END_IF --][-- IF VAR.PageHeader "yes" --]<div id="fl-headerin">[-- HEADER --]</div>[-- VAR.MakeLogo "no" --][-- END_IF --][-- IF STORE.HeaderImage --]<div id="fl-headerimgin">[-- IF STORE.HeaderURL --]<a href="[-- STORE.HeaderURL --]">[-- END_IF --][-- STORE.HeaderImage ONLY_ALT_TAG --][-- IF STORE.HeaderURL --]</a>[-- END_IF --]</div>[-- VAR.MakeLogo "no" --][-- END_IF --][-- IF VAR.MakeLogo "yes" --]<div id="fl-makelogoin"><a href="[-- MyStoreURL --]" title="[-- STORE.Name REMOVE_HTML --]">[-- STORE.Name --]</a></div>[-- END_IF --]
<div id="fl-rightheader" class="olhel">
[-- INCLUDE BB-PageMenu-OneLineHeader.sst PROCESS --]
<span id="fl-bonuslinks">[-- IF WishList --][-- WishListLink --][-- END_IF --][-- IF PageLinks.Left --][-- ELSE_IF GiftCert --]<a href="[-- SHOPPING_CART_URL Base --]/order.cgi?storeid=[-- STORE.Id --]&cert=gift">[-- STORE.SC_GiftCertificate --]</a>[-- END_IF --]</span>
[-- IF VAR.SearchOnStorePages "yes" --]<span id="fl-searchtoggle">[-- STORE.Search --]</span><script type="text/javascript">$("#fl-searchtoggle").click(function() {$("#bb-searchform").toggleClass("fl-active");});</script>[-- END_IF --]
[-- IF MiniCart --]<script type="text/javascript">DisplayMiniCart("ItemCount");</script>[-- END_IF --]</div>
[-- IF STORE.Type NE "STARTER" --][-- INCLUDE BB-SearchField.sst PROCESS --][-- END_IF --]
<div id="fl-padarea">