by ShopSite Lauren » Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:44 pm
I would suggest editing the more information code include file which is based on the product template you are using. So first, check which bb-product template you are using by going to Products > Edit Product Layout. The default for most themes using BB template files is the regular BB-Product.sst product template. If this is the product template you are using, then go to Merchandising > Custom Templates > Include Files, and make a copy of the BB-ProductPageContent.sst include file. Then make a copy of your copy and rename it the exact same name as the original (you can then get rid of your first don't need it anymore).
If you are using a different bb-product template, match the second half of the name with the include file with the same second half. For example, if you are using the BB-Product-2Columns.sst product template, then you will want to make a copy of the BB-ProductPageContent-2Columns.sst.
To modify the template, open the BB-ProductPageContent.sst include file (Edit), and near the top, maybe 10-15 lines in, you will see [-- INCLUDE VAR.PriceDisplay PROCESS --]. Simply add [-- IF PRODUCT.Field1 --]<span id="field1">[-- PRODUCT.Field1 --]</span>[-- END_IF --] above that line. Save changes. Then regenerate your store (Utilities > Publish > Regenerate).
- ShopSite Lauren
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