Help With Data Upload and images?!

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Help With Data Upload and images?!

Postby jefferis » Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:00 pm

I have uploaded a database of products to a new site. The information about the products themselves is there, but the images are not found. I am using a url for the images and uploading them via ftp into a folder called "product_images" They are visible in the folder:
In the database, I uploaded the file link url to the Graphic field I have tried to use both

But the images don't show

Also, the Add to Pages feature did not work. I added the pages manually to the shopsite just to confirm their location. The pages exist, but they did not add to the pages.... I am confused! A little help appreciated.
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Re: Help With Data Upload and images?!

Postby Jim » Mon Jan 11, 2016 4:48 pm

Is your store on a linux, freebsd or windows server?
You can find the directory where the images need to be placed on the Preferences > Hosting Services at the bottom of the screen in the Media Directory field. This directory is located inside of your html output directory. So having the directory called product_images will not work. You need to move the images into the media directory. You could have them in a subdirectory media/product_images if you want but they must be under the media/ directory.

The page names in your upload file must be EXACTLY as they are in the ShopSite database or they will not be matched. So verify that the spelling, capitalization, spacing etc. is the same in your upload file as the page name in the backoffice Pags screen.
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Re: Help With Data Upload and images?!

Postby jefferis » Mon Jan 11, 2016 8:28 pm

Okay... #1. I have moved all images to media/product_images/ folder. In the DB I have the complete url media/product_images/image54.jpg but they are not showing. I removed media/ from the path and still no joy.
The preferences show the default directory as media, but when I download the sample file, it shows the sunglasses in the subfolder without the full media/ path

#2. Although I have added to a page, the page (rings for example) does not show the item although it says it has been added to that page.

Linux btw.

WEIRD THING IS.... All images are visible in the Image gallery in admin!
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Re: Help With Data Upload and images?!

Postby Jim » Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:13 am

When you pick an image for the product it assumes the media/ directory so there is no need to include that in your upload file. So if you want to put the image in the media directory itself the upload field would just contain the image name, image54.jpg. If you want the image in a subdirectory of the media directory then you include the subdirectory and image name like 'product_images/image54.jpg' (without the quotes) in the image upload field.

On the item not appearing on the page issue, have you published the site? You can regenerate all html page by going to Utilities > Publish > make sure the options for Publish files and Generate HTML pages are checked and then click the Regenerate button. Also check on the Pages > Edit Page Content screen and see what the File name (In the Advanced Info section near the bottom of the screen) is set to. It should be a valid html extension that your webserver and browsers will recognize as html.

If the image are visible in the image gallery area go to Products > Edit Product Info and select a product and see if you can select the image for a product. Once you have selected an image save the screeen then go back to the screen and the field under the select boxes for the image will contain the appropriate way to reference the image in your upload file.
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Re: Help With Data Upload and images?!

Postby jefferis » Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:38 am

Thanks for all your help. I think I have started getting it to work. One problem was the extra "media/" named in the path url to the image. The other was the fact that I had not republished the pages. Now the pages are populating and I am seeing a lot of missing images. I believe that problem has nothing to do with SS but with the export feature from their current host/cart which added extra characters to the resized images from the original.

On another issue, the download of the sample file has the glasses' image size as 2. Is that considered medium?
And if I add a main image to a product, is there an automatic scaling/sizing feature for it and the alternate views that can be set via a database upload?

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