Pro 12 sp2 r1 Product Display Back Office

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Pro 12 sp2 r1 Product Display Back Office

Postby MgmtSpec » Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:35 pm


I must be missing something...the layout in list form or grid with pictures seems to be terrible interface. I want to power edit some products - was SO much easier to select from list of all products. Is there a way to revert?
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Re: Pro 12 sp2 r1 Product Display Back Office

Postby Jim » Tue Nov 17, 2015 2:30 pm

There isn't a way to revert to the old way of doing the list. There is much more flexibility in the new interface that should make it easier to select items for Power edit.
You can still click, shift click, control click to select the specific item you want to work on. You can even click and with the mouse button down drag over the checkbox area to select products that way.
For selecting item you can search on one term, then use the filter (funnel icon) to refine the search criteria. Filtering can be done a number of times for more exacting selection of products. Once you have done a search/filter there will be a line under the search box that has a link to show all items that match the search instead of just the normal number that display on the page.
On the Power edit screen you can now save settings of fields that you frequently work on so the next time you need to do something you don't have to search for all the fields again.

Give it a little while and you will find that it is just as easy if not easier to use the poweredit feature.
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Re: Pro 12 sp2 r1 Product Display Back Office

Postby MgmtSpec » Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:32 pm

Hi Jim,

Sorry as a long time user my feedback is honest so I hope you will consider it seriously as constructive feedback. This was a big step backward for those who manage sites with hundreds/thousands of products. KISS is sometimes best. Takes too much screen space for product display. I find the product screen more of mess now. Yes more features for power edit, but to me that does not outweigh the interface. For multiple products I have to do a search/filter - and IF that does not get all the items I have to start the process over and repeat. I have numerous cases of power edits that would NOT be found under a single search. I'm sure I'm not alone on this. I sure hope future version or patch comes out with option to toggle to old way. I can't imagine my sites with 10K products being managed with this interface. I'd have to change solutions.
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Re: Pro 12 sp2 r1 Product Display Back Office

Postby ShopSite David » Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:40 am

Thanks for the feedback. Good or bad we want to hear it. Let me ask a couple of questions:

1) You point out that the "product screen more of mess now", did you know that you can remove any column/field by clicking the "-" minus icon in the Search Tool Bar? If you remove all fields then the initial view is similar to the old one where you only see the Product name?

2) You talk about search and sometimes having to start the search over. The initial search functionality has not changed, you can still search on the same fields as before. We do have the filter option to refine the search results that are on the screen. So I don't understand your comments about search. Is there an example you can give us regarding how it worked before and now how searching is different for you?

3) You say "I can't imagine my sites with 10K products being managed with this interface." Actually we had sites with thousands of products in mine for the List view. That is one reason we added the filter/refine search results feature to help those with many products narrow down the items they are searching for. And another reason we allow various fields to optionally be displayed in the row with the product name.
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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Re: Pro 12 sp2 r1 Product Display Back Office

Postby ShopSite David » Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:39 pm

A couple of other thoughts:

1) At the top of each column you can hover your mouse and then stretch that column out. Perhaps you have some long product names and they are wrapping around the default column size.

2) If you do a search, and you have more results than fit on the initial screen, a dialog below the Search criteria/tool bar will show up saying something like:
Showing products matching: product name contains "golf". Click bottom right buttons to see more products or Show All

3) If you click "Show All" then all the results will be displayed on the screen. Then just click the checkbox at the top of the column beside "Product Name" and all products will be selected. Then click on the Power Edit icon. No need to do any scrolling.
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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Re: Pro 12 sp2 r1 Product Display Back Office

Postby MgmtSpec » Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:04 pm


Well I just had to do some power edits and I have to say I'm even more frustrated with the revisions. Took multiple attempts to just figure out how to assign products now. My thoughts were are you ..... kidding me???? I guess I have to say for me its far from intuitive. I need to simply power edit ALL products to ensure all were showing a Qty input.
Well that was 2 steps vs 1 in old system. Power Edit seems to require SCROLL done to the "Proceed" button vs on same screen. Thankfully I'm only dealing with 65 items in this store. No I did NOT initially know I could remove the excess bulk/additional fields to NAME only. Now I do. Again I did not find that intuitive. I resized name field and it still takes double the space due to padding between lines. As far as search taking MULTIPLE searches what I referred to is there are times when a product search WONT get all the items you need to edit in a single search while the old way with a list you can select would. Example are products that all have a price change but may not have a COMMON name/field to search. One of my clients asked about an upgrade and mentioned they had a lot of product to add - told them to wait because they would be frustrated using the new system. I do not see it being easier. Had to search for something as simple as "Copy" product - maybe one of most useful functions and its hidden in sub menu now.
Please Please Please for your loyal users allow a toggle to the layout that worked so well for so many years.
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