Error: Please wait, process already started

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Error: Please wait, process already started

Postby silken » Tue Nov 03, 2015 5:55 pm

I have had several reports of customers not being able to complete or update orders in the shopping cart, even though I and a number of other customers have had no problems making or, in my case, testing orders. The people are geographically separated, so it is not a local issue.

This is what my Australian customer just reported:
O.K., so this time we have a different experience.
The first shot is the standard ordering interface, and I order just the one 'Short Stick' DVD.
When we pass through to the next stage, I find the page set up for me to buy two of them, with the total appropriately figured.
I take the order number in the box back to one, but whether I hit 'recalculate' or 'update' makes no difference. The total remains the same (for two), and I get the pop-up, 'Please wait, processing already started'.

and then:

I get exactly the same pop-up when I try to go through to the check-out, although all steps appear to be covered. If I just sit back and wait, the 'processing' doesn't clear itself, it stays there.
So, I clear the cart and go back to try again.
I order one.
This time, when I pass through to the next screen there's just the one ordered (I recall yesterday there were three), and the total is correct at $15.95 + shipping.
The first image is here.
So, let's get brave and attempt the order in full.
I hit 'Continue Shopping', and I wind up on the same page I kept getting transferred to yesterday.
2nd. image applies here.

I have spoken to my host, who says nothing on their end, and I called Shopsite this morning, but nothing there either (although I did not have the above info at the time.)

My site is I own the Version 12 copy I have, and we process orders manually so it is not going through a gateway. I am not sure how attach a screenshot of the error box.

Many thanks in advance,

P.S. This in response to my question of his browser...

I use Iceweasel, which is an unbranded Firefox, but I've already anticipated that, because I've done a fair bit of fault finding in the past, and tried two other browsers, also, with similar problems.
All problems, tell them, were reproducible.
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Re: Error: Please wait, process already started

Postby ShopSite David » Wed Nov 04, 2015 12:42 pm

That is a strange one. One option would be to upgrade to the latest v12 release (currently v12 sp2, looks like you are at v12 which is two service packs behind) and see if the problem still occurs. Since you are at v12 there is no software charge from us for you to update to the latest version.

If the problem is still there and this person you quoted can make it happen consistently you could try temporarily removing some cart options to see if it resolves the issue. For example turn off Gift Certs and Coupons, then look at your shipping options (do you use any real-time shippers that ShopSite needs to communicate with when they press recalculate?)

If that still doesn't resolved it we'd need to put some debugging code on your site and try to discover what is going on. I'm not sure if you host at a ShopSite partner or are under a maintenance and support agreement. If not, then there may be a support fee to trouble-shoot further.
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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Re: Error: Please wait, process already started

Postby silken » Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:33 am

Thanks, David. I think I will have you upgrade me. Unfortunately, the host I use is not familiar with shopsite, so I will need to pay you for the upgrade.

I also just had a weird thing happen. I was entering an order for a customer from Northern California. Even though I entered his address and zip correctly, the cart would not add California tax. I entered my own zip (in Santa Cruz, CA) and it did charge tax, but as soon as I entered his, it went away. I did check the tax charts, even specifically entered his in the mix. I have never had this happen before. It is like some strange corruption in the system.

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Re: Error: Please wait, process already started

Postby ShopSite David » Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:10 am

For us to upgrade you go to this page and select the "Upgrade Help" option near the bottom:

The tax issue could be because there is a gap in the zip code ranges you have configured for California.
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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Re: Error: Please wait, process already started

Postby silken » Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:42 am

Thanks, David. First, as to the tax thing, I am copying out just a portion of the tax configuration that would encompass the range (I even added his explicit zip code of 92256)


Also, just to mention that he has ordered from us several times before, and each time tax has been applied. It was only yesterday's order where it did not apply.

And, just to add insult to injury, when I do it this morning, tax applies. There appears to be something glitchy in the works, which might also explain why there have been a few non-successful orders out of the many successful ones over the last week or so.

Something corrupted? Does this even happen? I believe you mentioned a debugging code....should I try this before upgrading?

I sincerely appreciate your help and attention,
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Re: Error: Please wait, process already started

Postby ShopSite David » Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:51 am

>>I believe you mentioned a debugging code....should I try this before upgrading?

You should upgrade first, then if we need to place special debugging code on your server it would be for the latest release.
-David H.
ShopSite, Inc.
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Re: Error: Please wait, process already started

Postby silken » Thu Nov 05, 2015 12:09 pm

OK, thanks.
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Location: santa cruz, ca

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