questions regarding carousel feature

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questions regarding carousel feature

Postby FredW » Fri May 15, 2015 10:36 am

Hi Folks,

In testing some of the new responsive designs with the carousel feature, I encountered these questions:

1. In using the Brownie theme, I see the carousel width is contained to the maximum size of the default page, i.e. 1000 px When made smaller, it resizes to the size of the browser (or sell phone) screens size. That is good. But the vertical or height size is very large, taking must of the screen and below the fold. What controls the height size?

2. In using the other themes (for example, Dauntless) the carousel width expands to the browser screen size, even filling up my 1920 wide screen. Is there some width control to contain it from blowing up so large? It does resize smaller and looks good on my smart phones I tested, but again the height is very large, going below the fold and I have the same height question as in the question above.

Wondering if anybody actually uses this feature. I would like to here their experience regarding using it.

Thanks in advance,
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Joined: Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:07 pm

Re: questions regarding carousel feature

Postby Jim » Fri May 15, 2015 1:35 pm

The width of the image is controlled by the css - most likely carousel.css
Code: Select all
div.slidesizedimage {
    width: 100%;
    overflow: visible;
    max-width: 100%;
    padding: 0px;
    margin: 0px;

So the width will be 100% of what the browser window is and the max-width is also 100% so no matter how big the browser window is it will be that wide.

The height isn't strictly specified so it will probably be what ever the height of the image is. Note that as the image resizes in width it may also resize in height but I'm not sure on that.
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