I'm curious too--if you BUY a Shopsite License from a Certified Shopsite
Reseller, what are your options for hosting, and what exactly doest that
purchase mean with respect to Shopsite? What, if any, documentation does
Shopsite have that you did in fact purchase said license and what do they do
with respect to honoring the purchase? I realize that contracts with
resellers are in force with respect to hosting--but say--down the road-you
want to change hosting plans--do you really OWN a Shopsite License?
"Mark Raymond" <mark@markraymond.net> wrote in message
Okay...this might sound like a dumb question to those of you who know the
answer, but I'm curious: If you buy a license for ShopSite, does that
that you would have to install it on a managed or dedicated server, or can
it still be installed on a shared server plan?