bb-familiar template doesn't look like same...

Questions and answers about ShopSite Custom Templates

bb-familiar template doesn't look like same...

Postby gracefuli » Wed Apr 08, 2015 3:06 pm

a few questions: on familiar template intro page (

1. it shows links across top blue bar ie tents, sleep, cook, etc. i can't seem to get these. Occasionally they flash on as i open a more info page then, quickly disappear.

2. the rules across bottom before footer and down side. How do i get these and can they be wider?

i don't know where, but at one point looking at themes (thought it was on familiar bb-) i did see a more info page with green tabs at that top that said "product description" which was main tab. Then a "review" tab.


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Re: bb-familiar template doesn't look like same...

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Thu Apr 09, 2015 10:32 am

1. You can setup links in the navigation bar at the top of the familiar theme under Preferences > Navigation. The Familiar theme is responsive, so once the navigation menu is too wide for the page or too wide for the browser, the navigation will switch to a clickable toggle for navigation (common on touch screen devices). If you have setup the top navigation menu, and when you view your site on a desktop, and already see the clickable toggle for navigation, that means your navigation is already too wide for the page/browser. To fix this, you can eliminate or shorten some of the links in your navigation (such as changing "Contact Us" to just "Contact" or remove the "home" link from the navigation menu under Preferences > Navigation). Another option is to set the max-page width wider (Preferences > Layout Settings). Or another option would be to switch to a theme that does not include the customer registration links, view cart links, and search bar in the navigation menu, which would give more room for regular navigation links.

2. I'm not sure what you mean by "rules" across the bottom? Does this just mean the borders? Borders are set by the theme. All themes using the BB template files (such as Familiar, Sector and Fearless), use the store Color 2 for the border color (Preferences > Layout Settings).

3. For tabs, I am not sure where you would have seen that, so if you find it, feel free to include the link and I could probably give more information, but I don't believe any built in themes have green tabs. However, with the Familiar theme, you do have the option to have some tabs on your product pages. You can do this by going to Products > Edit Product Layout, and changing the BB-Product.sst template to another -.sst template, one that includes "Tabs" in the name. There are 2 choices, but the one I think would fit most stores' layouts better would be BB-Product-2ColumnsTabs.sst. I believe that tabs are gray.
- ShopSite Lauren
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