Problems with Image Resizing

General ShopSite user discussion

Problems with Image Resizing

Postby darlamae » Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:04 am

I am a new user of shopsite. I have been toggling with the image resizing for the past two days, & I am getting frustrated :x
At first, my images were huge, now when I view them, it's like a dot. I tried 'configuring' but it would make the picture blurry. Is there a certain ratio to have pictures? Should I be resizing them before uploading them? Any help would be appreciated!
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Re: Problems with Image Resizing

Postby Jim » Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:53 am

You configure the image settings on Images > Configure.
It is best to have your images properly resized for the maximum size that you want to use before you upload them into ShopSite. Most modern cameras and scanners can make images that are 3000 to 4000 pixels in size or larger and that is way to large to display on most monitors. In general a picture of 1200 px wide or high will fill most monitor screens so even that large would probably be a little large. Depending on how much detail you want to show your shoppers an image in the 800 to 1000 would be the largest image I would recommend for the Original image.

By default the original image uploaded through ShopSite will not be resized. In addition to the original image ShopSite can create 3 resized version of the image. The default sizes for this 3 resized version are 400px X 400px, 175px X 175px and 80px X 80 px. These sizes are changeable by the merchant but some of the theme are designed around images of these specific sizes so you should try using images at that size.

The blurryness of images could be do to the Compression quality if you are using jpg or jpeg images. The default of 75 is generally a good trade off of image size and clarity. Setting the quality lower will make the images look pixelated. There was a bug is some versions of ShopSite if the compression was blank it would result in a 0 quality giving very poor image quality. So check and make sure that it is set to 75 or higher in the "JPEG image compression quality" field.
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Re: Problems with Image Resizing

Postby darlamae » Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:57 pm

Thanks! I also have a problem with doing an image for a logo. I made it myself using OpenSource. It won't load properly, very small, even though the dimensions are bigger. It comes out as 4 by 5, can't make bigger.
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