Sites Using Wordpress

General ShopSite user discussion

Sites Using Wordpress

Postby extragear » Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:39 am

Hi there:

We are looking to update the templates that drive one of Shopsite site. One option we are considering is using Wordpress as the skin with Shopsite in the background.

We currently use Wordpress as the skin on one of our Shopsite sites, but it has products that dont really change much over time, there are only about 200 products, they dont have size and color variables and we only need to impliment the order anywhere function to get Shopsite working as the cart part of the site.

I would be interested in knowing if there is a list of sites using Wordpress as front facing templates? Also insights concerning issues such as dealing with product that have size - color variables and yearly changes that occur with these products.


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Re: Sites Using Wordpress

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:44 am

If you have products that change regularly, or if you have more than 50 or so products, I would recommend building the site in ShopSite. Overtime, it will be less work for the merchant since they won't need to manage their site in ShopSite and in WordPress.

However, if you want to build in WordPress, ShopSite has a WordPress plugin that allows you to easily add products from ShopSite and display them in a WordPress post. The product selection from WordPress works the same as adding an image to your post. You would click on the "SS" icon above your post text area, this will show a popup listing all your store products, and you can select the products you would like to include in that post. The product information is pulled from ShopSite and will include any pull down menus, images, descriptions, etc, related to the product in ShopSite.
- ShopSite Lauren
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ShopSite Lauren
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