Changelog or issues fixed with ShopSite v12 SP1 r3.1

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Changelog or issues fixed with ShopSite v12 SP1 r3.1

Postby Stephane » Thu Mar 19, 2015 11:21 am

I upgraded one of our shared scripts server this morning to ShopSite v12 SP1 r2 and then I see the announcement that v12 SP1 r3.1 was released today.

I'm curious if I need to upgrade again soon. Specifically a customer was concerned about changes at PayPal.

Is there a place that shows the changes, specifically fixes, between ShopSite versions?

I see the page for feature changes, but that only shows new features. I searched the knowledge base but didn't see anything. I also know that brief explanations are (were?) supplied when individual files were patched, these were in the "patch" directory on the FTP site but in this case it's a new directory so no notes.

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Re: Changelog or issues fixed with ShopSite v12 SP1 r3.1

Postby Jim » Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:40 am

Typically a list of most important changes for a new patch version is included in a knowledge base article at but one has not yet been written for fixes between the 12sp1r2 and 12sp1r3.1 versions.
The main changes were
fix some issues with the abandon cart module added in 12 sp1
tweaks to some of the templates
changes to the built in TinyMCE HTML editor updating it to the latest version
fixes to some of the real-time shipping methods.
fix for Google product feed if product not assigned to page but assigned to be in the Google product feed.

There were other minor tweaks that in most cases would not be experienced by many people but may affect some.
If you are using the abandon cart module you should definitely upgrade to the latest build. If you haven't been having other problems and aren't using the abandon cart you might not need to upgrade but it would probably be a good idea to upgrade.
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Re: Changelog or issues fixed with ShopSite v12 SP1 r3.1

Postby Stephane » Tue Mar 24, 2015 9:43 am


Thanks for that information. Also good to know that my initial look at the knowledge base was the right thing to do, I'll keep doing that in the future.

Looks like nothing affects PayPal so I can hold off on the update for now.
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Re: Changelog or issues fixed with ShopSite v12 SP1 r3.1

Postby BFChris » Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:57 am

I'm curious about the template tweaks.

I'm working with a customized version of the Underline theme and seeing weird behavior with the Top Menu mobile drop-down display.
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