
General ShopSite user discussion


Postby BillzBaitz » Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:20 pm

How can I center my Left Page Links(lvl2)? Currently they are all left justified and I would like to center them..

Also I have Facebook and Instagram links in the upper right corner how can I move those to lower right?
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Joined: Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:21 pm

Re: Navigation

Postby Jim » Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:16 am

Your store is using the elite theme so you will need to edit the page styles used for that theme. The file that contains the page styles is elite_001_pa_styles.css . In that file is a section that looks like this.
Code: Select all
div.left_pagelinks a, div.left_pagelinks span {display: block; border: [-- VAR.pa_table_border --] [-- VAR.pa_table_border_color --]; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; background-color: [-- VAR.pa_background_color --]; padding: 3px 1px; margin: 5px auto; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none;}
change the "text-align: left;" statement to text-align: center;
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Re: Navigation

Postby BillzBaitz » Mon Mar 23, 2015 10:57 am

Thanks jim,
Im new to this so may I ask where I would find the CSS file?
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Joined: Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:21 pm

Re: Navigation

Postby Jim » Mon Mar 23, 2015 12:30 pm

Go to Merchandising > Custom Templates > Includes
Click on Copy ShopSite Include File.
Find the elite_001_pa_styles.css file in the list of files and select it. In the File Name of the new copy field enter elite_001_pa_styles.css1 (note the 1 at the end of the name) and click the Copy button.
That will put the file in the merchant template area where you can work on it. Now select the file name and click the Copy Include File button. Now give it the original file name without the 1 at the end, elite_001_pa_styles.css. Now you can delete the version with the 1 if you want.
So select the file elite_001_pa_styles.css from the list and click Edit Include File.
In the edit window search for "div.left_pagelinks a" and then look through that line for the "text-align: left;" and change left to center.
Save changes.
Now publish your store (Utilities >Publish > Regenerate) and the the store pages should now have the left links centered.
Note that the copy of a in the merchant location will take precedent over the ShopSite template file of the same name. That is why you had to make sure it has the same name as the original ShopSite file. If you find you made a mistake you can simply delete your modified file or rename it so it doesn't have the same name as the ShopSite file and the next time you publish the original ShopSite template file will be used.

Note that you may also need to edit css files for search pages, shopping cart etc if the links show on them. You would follow a similar method for each of those screens.
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