can't get URL into email to customer

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can't get URL into email to customer

Postby newmarket2 » Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:04 pm

We sell products that are digital downloads.
I'm trying to get the confirmation email to include the URL as a URL and not as a clickable product name

In the online help topic "Configure Digital Downloads" there are 2 entries:
Include URLs on Thank You Screen
Include URLs on Customer Receipt

First, where do I find the checkboxes for these 2 options?
Second, is there a combination of these two options OR other options that would cause the email sent to the customer to have a clickable product name and no separate URL? [cause that's what the customer is getting email (not two) with a clickable product name and no separate URL]
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Re: can't get URL into email to customer

Postby Jim » Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:48 pm

The two options are found on Commerce Setup > Digital Downloads > Configure.

With both boxes checked, the Thank You screen has the product name as a link to download the product file. The shopper receipt (which in my case was text base not HTML) has the following:
URL for downloading "!test":

If I switch the shopper receipt to be html ( Commerce Setup > Order System > E-mail ) then the product name on the receipt is a link to the download location.

So if you want the actual URL for the download link you will need to set the shopper email to be Text instead of HTML I don't think there is a way to have both.
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Re: can't get URL into email to customer

Postby newmarket2 » Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:09 pm

I think we'd prefer HTML if we also can get the URL to show up.
What if I left it as HTML and deselected the option to make the product name clickable?

ps. is there a way to test a product purchase without having to actually use a credit card?
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Re: can't get URL into email to customer

Postby newmarket2 » Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:23 pm

All this is complicated by another problem.
AOL and many other big email providers have implemented DMARC which is blocking email from our ShopSite host, Verio, when the email FROM address is
At this point, the customer acknowledgment and the payment acks (from PayPal) are getting to use, but the order confirmation that is sent to us is being blocked.
Can you again provide me the path to where I can change the emails of the administrator and backup administrators?
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Re: can't get URL into email to customer

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:31 pm

Commerce Setup -> Order System -> E-Mail. See:
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Re: can't get URL into email to customer

Postby newmarket2 » Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:35 pm

loren_d_c wrote:Commerce Setup -> Order System -> E-Mail.

When I do
commerce setup >> order system
I get 5 options, none of which is "E-Mail"
They are:
Layout Info
Shopping Cart
Thank You

no "e-mail"
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Re: can't get URL into email to customer

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:40 pm

Sounds like you may have a ShopSite version older than the 10 sp2 version mentioned in the kbase article.

You can still change the merchant email address in Preferences -> Hosting Service, and that should help with the email receipts going to the shoppers, but if you aren't getting lots of the merchant notification emails that are coming from shoppers with aol, yahoo, etc, email addresses, then you should definitely consider upgrading to a newer version of ShopSite to get the feature to set the merchant notifications to come from a specific address instead of the shopper's address.
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Re: can't get URL into email to customer

Postby newmarket2 » Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:16 pm

The version is controlled by the ISP and they aren't going to upgrade, at least last time I asked.
I'm going to press the ISP on this issue but we might have to move to another ISP. Argh!
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Re: can't get URL into email to customer

Postby newmarket2 » Fri Nov 07, 2014 6:55 am

Woke up this morning wondering if this problem cannot be solved if I am running an older version of ShopSite and can be solved if I'm running the current version.
Can anyone give me a clear answer on that?
If it IS in fact the case, then I can go to my ISP and inform them of the situation.
If they respond and upgrade, then I don't have to move to another ISP which would be far more work for me.
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Re: can't get URL into email to customer

Postby Jim » Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:30 am

Which "problem" are you referring to, the emails not being sent or the url on the email receipt?

The emails not being received because of DMARC can be solved by simply changing the Merchant Email address on the Preferences > Hosting services screen to an email address from your domain.

The url on the email receipt instead of having the name a clickable link can only be changed by using a text based email instead of html. (I just checked with the developer to make sure that was the case.)

As for upgrading your store to the the latest version. If your host isn't providing you what you need and they refuse to do so, simply find a host that will provide what you need. You are paying for their services so they should be providing them.
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Re: can't get URL into email to customer

Postby newmarket2 » Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:58 am

I think I now understand the source of the problem and it's not ShopSite.

A summary:
Shopsite sends an order acknowledgement to the merchant email address, in this case, myself at my ISP mailbox which is
I have confirmed that these emails are arriving.
Because we spend all of our time in our AOL email, we have set up our ISP email to auto forward to our AOL email
But, the autoforwarded email from the ISP just passes along the email of the customer.
In this case, my test order had my AOL email associated with it:
DMARC on AOL now gets an email with an domain but nor one of their own servers and, appropriately blocks it.
If the ISP email system were to autoforward the email in the same way I would forward it as an ISP email user, it would have a FROM: domain of and not be rejected.

I'll try to post an update because I"m so sure others are having this problem and a solution should be shared, but for now, I'm assuming that it's not a ShopSite problem.
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Re: can't get URL into email to customer

Postby Shopsite4u » Mon Nov 10, 2014 5:27 pm

Please give me a call. I have been successful in getting Verio to upgrade customers to 12.

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Re: can't get URL into email to customer

Postby newmarket2 » Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:20 pm

I'm not going to try to get Verio to upgrade me until our new product has been out there for a while.
And, I'll let you know how it goes. I'm hoping they'll upgrade me without any fuss. Hoping....
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