download key not being sent automatically

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download key not being sent automatically

Postby newmarket2 » Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:04 pm

I'm the tech guy for We don't have many orders, but we've been having some problems recently.
I just placed a test order to see how it went before we publicized a new product.

I placed an order for a dummy downloadable product using a Visa card via paypal.
The order shows up in our shopsite order list, but I have not yet received an acknowledgement of receipt of the order to my email (the one I used to place the order)

my first thought is that there is someplace in setting up the product that I need to check to allow the emailing of an acknowledgement with the download keys. But, perhaps that doesn't happen until the charge has cleared Visa. At the same time, whenever I use my Visa at a store or online, clearing happens in a second or so and it's been an hour since I placed the order.

Would appreciate some suggestions of what to check....
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Re: download key not being sent automatically

Postby newmarket2 » Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:21 pm


1. it looks like emails sent but were undeliverable. My wife (who has an email address on our host) got 3 separate mailer daemon error messages. I'm guessing that they were 1. to her and my AOL email addresses as site administrators and 2. the 3rd to my email address as a customer (also AOL) Can I assume this is a problem with our host (Verio) and not the shopsite software?

2. the charge for the test order came through on my charge card (used to test the purchase with me acting as customer)
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Re: download key not being sent automatically

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:38 pm

Does the email address you are using as the Merchant email address (found under Preferences > Hosting Service) end in,, or

If it does, then the issue may be because of the following:

Yahoo and AOL recently (back in April 2014) changed their DNS to include a signature that tells other mail servers an email from their domain is valid. This signature, also known as a DMARC record, is only included on emails originating from Yahoo and AOL servers. An order notification email originates on the server your store is hosted on and therefore does not contain the required signature. Email providers like GMail (or any other mail server/service that pays attention to DMARC records) will see your hosting account as the origin for these Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, GMail, and other customer email addresses and subsequently block these emails from being delivered to your inbox. It’s important that your store’s default Merchant Email Address is set to your domain, and not a GMail or Yahoo address. If not, customers may not get their email receipts either.

Our full knowledgebase article concerning this issue can be found here:
ShopSite Nicole
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Re: download key not being sent automatically

Postby newmarket2 » Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:47 pm

That sounds right (our notification addresses are both @aol), but I need to do more research to understand the problem and possible solutions.
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Re: download key not being sent automatically

Postby newmarket2 » Tue Nov 04, 2014 7:30 am

But, shouldn't my hosting service be adding the signature to all email sent from their email servers?
It's not like AOL, Yahoo and Gmail are small and irrelevant email providers so they don't need to make the change!

or, am I misunderstanding the problem/situation?
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Re: download key not being sent automatically

Postby Jim » Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:27 am

ShopSite creates the outgoing email and uses the return address that you have configured as the Merchant email address. That information is passed to your servers mail server and it sends the message. So if you have as the merchant email address that is what will be used. If you want them to use your email address from the hosting account then you would need to specify an email address with your domain as the merchant email address.
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Re: download key not being sent automatically

Postby newmarket2 » Tue Nov 04, 2014 10:56 am

1. Our email account was jammed with spam and needs to be cleaned out
2. We have changed email addresses in ShopSite to those on the hosting service.
3. To be able to know when an order has been placed, we'll either need to regularly monitor the email account on the host OR have the host-based email account automatically forward all mail to our personal, AOL email accounts

We're working our way through these steps.
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