On "empty shopping cart" return url

General ShopSite user discussion

On "empty shopping cart" return url

Postby Peter Gregg » Thu Oct 23, 2014 7:54 am

Short version - On the "empty shopping cart" button it returns a person to a url. Can there be a url to go to the page they ordered from?

Long version - On my site I have different products and I use the OrderAnywhere links for ordering straight from the web site pages. One product is a coffee mug, another is a camera product. The coffee mug buyer will land back at the camera page and be confused as can be. Now that I am writing this it may be smarter to make a whole new page just for landing and send everyone back to that page. But in the meantime, can the bounce be back to the original ordering page on my web site?

If not, what section is where I designate that url and I will go change it to a new page I make up?

Peter Gregg
Posts: 45
Joined: Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:04 pm

Re: On "empty shopping cart" return url

Postby loren_d_c » Thu Oct 23, 2014 10:24 am

The ShopSite default is to return the shopper to the page the ordered from, but this works off the referer URL provided to the cart by the browser, and in some instances that info is not provided by the browser, in which case ShopSite will return the shopper to the MyStore URL set in Preferences -> Hosting Service. Also, you can set ShopSite to ALWAYS return the shopper to a single specific URL via a setting in Commerce Setup -> Order System -> Shopping Cart.

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