CA Tax

General ShopSite user discussion

CA Tax

Postby MgmtSpec » Fri Oct 10, 2014 7:27 pm


I have a client who has clothing products which are NOT taxable in their home state of MN. There are taxable in CA and they believe they have to collect sales tax for CA now. Is there any way to do this in Shopsite?
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Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:25 am

Re: CA Tax

Postby ShopSite Nicole » Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:10 am

ShopSite has a Tax by Zip Code option which you can set up to charge tax for specific states. You will need to make sure that you and your client know the eCommerce sales tax rules for California so that you are charging correctly and that you do need to.

The tax by Zip Code Feature is found under Commerce Setup > Tax. You will also need to enable Zip Code Tax for the United States by going to Commerce Setup > State and Country. There is a video tutorial for how to use this feature which can be found at the URL below:

Another option is to sign up with Avalara to use their Avatax module for handing the sales tax for your clients ShopSite store.
ShopSite Nicole
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Re: CA Tax

Postby MgmtSpec » Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:20 am


Thank you however you *MISSED* the question. I may not have explained well enough.
The problem is some items are NOT taxed in MN (clothes, food) but ARE taxed in CA.
It is NOT as simple as Yes or No collecting tax in a state as the SPECIFIC item may or may not be taxable IN THAT STATE.
So I also can't just check "do not tax".
So I can configure SS to collect tax in both states - but how can I configure it to collect tax for CLOTHES in CA but NOT tax in MN?

Shopsite is going to need to have a resolution for this type of situation as I'm sure there will be many more facing this issue.
Anyone using SS in MN selling Food or Clothes is going to be affected.

I am going on the premise that my client is correct in the need to collect tax for CA.

Thank you!
Posts: 204
Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2007 8:25 am

Re: CA Tax

Postby Jim » Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:06 am

The AvaTax option would probably be the only one that could handle a situation like this. They use product codes to indicate what type of item a product is and they keep track of taxes for the various states based on type of products, location etc.
You can find info about Avalara's AvaTax at

As for whether your client would need to collect tax in different states, you would need to contact a tax specialist. Generally though if you do not have a physical presence in a state you are not required to collect tax in that state.
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