Registered Customers Payment Options

General ShopSite user discussion

Registered Customers Payment Options

Postby djhht » Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:17 am

Can registered customers have different payment options than non-registered?

I would like to offer Registered Customers "Purchase Order", but not have that payment option appear to customers who checkout without registering.

Is there any way to make that happen? or does anyone have any ideas of how to best use Shopsite mostly for a b2c site, but then to allow just a few customers the option of Purchase Order or invoicing.
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Re: Registered Customers Payment Options

Postby Jim » Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:34 am

There isn't a built in way to only display certain payment options to registered shoppers.

You might be able to add javascript to the checkout screen to check whether the shopper is logged in or not. Then if they are not logged in put up a message if they try to use a payment method that you don't want them to use and block them checking out. There is a cookie created when the shopper logs in so you would have to read the cookies in the shopper's browser to see if they are logged in. Note that this would require the Pro level of ShopSite and custom development.

EDIT: You probably need to add the same type of code on the Shopping cart screen since that is where they will be selecting the payment method that is used on the Checkout screen.
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