by Jim » Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:44 pm
The receipt file (if emails are html) is included in the shopping cart template. You can find out what template is used for the shopping cart by going to Commerce Setup > Order System > Layout Info . The template is listed about the middle of the page.
Once you know the template you can go to Merchandising > Custom Templates > Shopping cart and use the Copy ShopSite template button to make a copy of that template for editing. When editing the template go to the [-- DEFINE ThankYou_Email --] section. The url will probably be an ahref to [-- STORE.CompanyURL --] so just remove the code itself or edit to suit your needs.
Once the editing is complete Copy the template you just edited and give it the same name as the original template so ShopSite will use that template instead of the ShopSite provided version. (You could also leave it named something different and then go to Commerce Setup > Order System > Layout Info and select that template as the one to use.