Looking for alternative to Shopping Cart Assistant

General ShopSite user discussion

Looking for alternative to Shopping Cart Assistant

Postby VinceS » Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:13 pm

I had been happily using Shopping Cart Assistant from Write It Once Software for 6+ years to copy orders from Shopsite into Quickbooks. Ever since upgrading to Windows 7 from Windows XP, I have not been able to get it working again. It will add the customer and create the invoice but will not create the purchase order. This is a critical requirement because we drop ship 98% of all our orders and must produce a purchase order.

Repeated attempts to contact Write It Once for technical assistance have gone unanswered.

Can anyone recommend a software alternative that will input downloaded orders from ShopSite and write them into Quickbooks creating an invoice for the customer and a purchase order for the vendor. I don't need a full blown package like Stone Edge or Ordoro. I need something very, very basic.

I'm running ShopSite Pro v11

Thanks in advance for any recommendation.
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Joined: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:26 pm

Re: Looking for alternative to Shopping Cart Assistant

Postby thesupermanager » Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:33 pm


I know your question is quite old, but since there wasn't a reply I thought it wouldn't hurt to post. SuperManager is another product that will download your ShopSite orders and export them to QuickBooks. It will not export to QuickBooks as POs, but it will export invoices, sales receipts and sales orders. I believe that sales orders can be pushed to POs in QuickBooks with a single click. The other option SuperManager gives is setting up automated dropship emails. You can specify certain products as dropship and set a supplier for them and give the supplier contact information and dropship email template. Then each time a new order comes in with that/those products in them, it fires off one or more dropship email requests to your supplier(s).
Start your free 30-day trial of The SuperManager Order Manager today at http://www.thesupermanager.com/
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Joined: Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:20 pm

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