new user of pro version

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new user of pro version

Postby rgrstvr » Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:24 pm

How do I get a look at a 'more info page' when I create one for one of our new products?

Also, we have hundreds of types of products which I would like to organize in groups on pages. For example Acer A, Acer B, Acer C, Acer D, etc. I would like to create a paragraph or product at the head of that group named just Acer which would contain general information and apply to all of the Acer products. But I do not want this leading paragraph or product to have a price or add to cart icon. Each page would include hundreds of groups, each with a header including general info for that group. And each product would have a small image, a small description and a reference to a more info page.

How can I do that?
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Re: new user of pro version

Postby Jim » Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:32 pm

Create a page "Acer Category" or what ever you want to call it. Do the same thing for other category type pages where you will have related products.
In the Text 1 field for each of those pages enter the paragraph of text that you want to display on that particular category page.

Then assign your products Acer A, Acer B, etc to that page. The product template that is used generally has the image, text description, price etc. in it so each product will have its own image add to cart, description etc.

For more information pages you will need to turn on the option on the Product > Edit Product > Information screen and fill in the text, images etc for the moreinfo page. The page will automatically be created during the publish of the store pages. (Note that a product must be assigned to a ShopSite generated page before a moreinfo page will be created for it.)
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Re: new user of pro version

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:35 pm

ShopSite will automatically create a more information page for a product if you check the checkbox indicating that you want one. Go to Products > Edit Product Info, and check the checkbox to "create a more information page". You can specify a larger image (plus up to 20 additional images), a more detailed description, and even cross sell products on a product more information page in the section following the checkbox to enable the more information page.

For the layout that you are describing, I would suggest setting up a regular page for each sub group. ShopSite uses pages the same way some other software uses categories. You can create a page for Acer A and a page for Acer B, and assign the appropriate products to each page. If you go to Pages > Acer A > Edit Page Content, there is a "Link Info" section where you can assign this link to appear in the main body of a page (Link Location "select" button), such as your home page, with a link name (such as "Acer A"), a link image (which could be one of the Acer A products) and link text (which would be a brief description of the Acer A category/page).
- ShopSite Lauren
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Re: new user of pro version

Postby rgrstvr » Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:06 pm

Unfortunately the solution you two have suggested will not do what I want. I will have probably 40-50 pages which will include, for example, ZONE 1 TREES, ZONE 2 TREES, ZONE 3 TREES, ZONE 4 TREES, ZONE 5 TREES, ZONE 6 TREES, etc.

Each page of TREES would include groups for Maples, Ash, Beech, Oak, Elm, Pine, whatever specific varieties will grow well in that zone. Each group would have a header which would include descriptive info, cultivation info, historical info, whatever is appropriate for that group. But it would not include a price or a note to put it in the order blank.

I cannot do it the way you suggest because I want the first step when a customer opens our website is for them to chose their own growing ZONE. And then, if it were done your way there would be too too too many pages.
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Re: new user of pro version

Postby rgrstvr » Tue Jun 24, 2014 5:08 pm

If there is no other way to do it, I could try this -

I already have built and published our front page for our website with html, using dreamweaver. I could create 9 links with dreamweaver to growing ZONES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. When a customer clicks on one of the growing zones they would then be linked with dreamweaver to a list of 15 different plant types for the growing zone they have chosen. Is there a way that when a customer clicks on one of the plant types in one of the zones listed on our website with dreamweaver they would be directed to a list of the appropriate list of pages in shopsite? Page of ZONE X, plant type Y could be a list of shopsite products, some of which could have headings the way you described.

If that is not possible I could offer customers a choice from a list of 135 shopsite pages, each with a growing zone and list of products, some of which could have headings the way you have described?

Or is there a way to offer a customer a choice of 9 growing zones in shopsite and when they choose one growing zone they would then have a choice from a list of products, some of which could have headings the way you have described?
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Location: Perris, California 92570

Re: new user of pro version

Postby rgrstvr » Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:26 pm

I have another idea.

I copied the html code for a page with the header which includes the cost and the reference to the shopping cart. I then opened it with dreamweaver and deleted the cost and unwanted reference to the chopping cart. It looked just fine - exactly as I want it.
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Location: Perris, California 92570

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