by Jim » Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:18 pm
You probably have one of the ShopSite shipping options named "USPS Flat Rate Priority Mail ( U.S. only) " and that is what they are selecting. If you are using just real-time shipping methods such as USPS, UPS, FedEx they will only display options for the country that is selected. If you have any ShopSite shipping method enabled it will be available for all shoppers. The only way to prevent a ShopSite shipping option from being selected would be to add some custom javascript that would check the country and/or postal code and if it isn't from the US then put up a message saying that the option isn't available outside the US and to choose another option.
There is also a post on our partner Lexiconn's forum about how to do several things with javascript in the shopping cart. See the post at: You could use that code as a basis for developing javascript to prevent non-US shoppers from choosing the US flat rate.