We are running SS 11 sp2 r4 Manager.
We only use the ecommerce pages within Shopsite, no product pages. The cart, thankyou, confirm, etc....
I know that SS12 supports Universal Analytics, but we don't really want to upgrade just for this requirement.
I want to change the analytics script to use the analytics.js (Universal) instead of ga.js. And I also want to maintain our ecommcerce tracking from SS to Google that is inserted on the ThankYou page by SS.
What I want to do is be able to modify the script that is located on ShopSite > Merchandising Tools > Google Services > Google Analytics Configuration. But, the field is not editable.
So, where I can go into SS (behind the scenes), and change this script manually?
One option is to turn off GA within SS, and add the script to each page manually, however I will lose the ecommerce reporting if I take this approach, and would like to keep that working.
Any suggestions?