ShopSite Payment Processing Error - Connection Refused

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ShopSite Payment Processing Error - Connection Refused

Postby gearedandready » Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:39 am


New to the forum hoping for some answers as my site has been unable to process payments for at least the last 4 days. It is hosted with

After adding a product to the cart, and filling in all the address and CC information, then clicking Submit I get the following error;
Payment Processing Error
Your order was not processed

There was a problem processing your credit card information.
Please verify that the following were entered correctly:

Zip Code
Card Number
Expiration Date

If you repeatedly see this message, complete your order by contacting the merchant directly.Detailed error message:
Response Code: connect error: Connection refused
Response Subcode: (nil)
Reason Code: (nil)
Reason: (nil)

The Zip, Card Number and Exp Date are correct. I have contacted my processor and the transaction is not making it out of shopsite to their gateway. They are seeing no activity. Under Merchant Alerts I get the same error. It is in's tier 3 tech support now and they still do not have it fixed. Its been at least 4 days. I need to get this fixed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
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Joined: Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:32 am

Re: ShopSite Payment Processing Error - Connection Refused

Postby Jim » Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:01 am

ShopSite isn't able to contact your payment gateway.

This could be because they require the data on a special port and your host doesn't allow communication on that port. It may be that the DNS on the server your store is hosted on doesn't allow looking up of domain names.

Check your payment gateway setup in ShopSite and see what the host name for the gateway and the port number (if any) are and write it down.
Next Click on the ShopSite icon at the top left of the screen and then in the url box change the start.cgi at the end of the url to diagnose.cgi and hit enter. That will bring up a diagnostic page. About 2/3 of the way down the page are two fields that can help determine 1. if dns is occuring on the server and 2. if the port can be reached.

First enter the domain name for the gateway in the IP Lookup by Host Name field and click the Lookup IP button. If you get an error then DNS is not working on the server

Second (if the above works) enter the domain name and port number in the Check Connection fields and then click the Connect to Host:Port button. If that doesn't work then there is a problem with the outgoing port on your server.
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Re: ShopSite Payment Processing Error - Connection Refused

Postby gearedandready » Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:56 pm

I tried your suggestion, on the first box I got an I.P. address returned. On the second for the port I get Port 443 ....Connection Failed.

If I understand this correctly this means that my host company has changed something on the server side and traffic going out port 443 is being blocked.

Is this correct?
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Joined: Fri Jun 06, 2014 10:32 am

Re: ShopSite Payment Processing Error - Connection Refused

Postby Jim » Tue Jun 10, 2014 9:48 pm

Yes that is correct. Port 443 is the standard port for doing https connections. So it should not be blocked.
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Re: ShopSite Payment Processing Error - Connection Refused

Postby blisgourmet » Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:46 am

I too am experiencing this problem.

Not real saavy on this.

What do you mean by the following?

First enter the domain name for the gateway (WOULD THIS BE THE HOSTING PROVIDOR OR DOMAIN REGISTRAR?) in the IP Lookup by Host Name field and click the Lookup IP button. If you get an error then DNS is not working on the server.

I will await an answer before the next question.

Thank you


Second (if the above works) enter the domain name and port number in the Check Connection fields and then click the Connect to Host:Port button. If that doesn't work then there is a problem with the outgoing port on your server.
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