You don't have to use the record number of the product if you have an sku assigned to the product. Here is a sample of an Order Anywhere link using the sku, which in this case I made SKUVALUE so you can see where you need to replace it.
- Code: Select all
<form action="" method="post">
<select name="SKUVALUE:finopt:0" size="1">
<option value="option1">option1</option>
<option value="option2">option2</option>
<option value="option3">option3</option>
<input type="hidden" name="SKUVALUE:finoptnum" value="1">
<br><input type=hidden name="storeid" value="*100bd218ab0744409e25">
<input type=hidden name="dbname" value="products">
<input type=hidden name="function" value="add">
<input type=hidden name="sku" value="SKUVALUE">
<input type=submit value="Add To Cart">
<input type=submit name="checkout" value="View Cart">
so for your template tag in this line
- Code: Select all
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="[-- PRODUCT.RecordNumber --]:finopt:0" VALUE="Friday, April 25, 2014">Friday, April 25, 2014<BR>
you would switch it to
- Code: Select all
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="[-- PRODUCT.sku --]:finopt:0" VALUE="Friday, April 25, 2014">Friday, April 25, 2014<BR>
or you could just include the sku in the appropriate place in the Product text field
- Code: Select all
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="SKUVALUE:finopt:0" VALUE="Friday, April 25, 2014">Friday, April 25, 2014<BR>
Note that ShopSite 12 (and maybe 11) does not by default allow order options to be added to the cart that are not defined in the product as order options. This is because someone could grab your html page, edit the option prices or names and submit the order. If you weren't careful in processing the order you might not catch that they had changed the price and they could get the product at a reduced price or add options that should cost extra but not pay for them. You can override that feature by going to Commerce Setup > Order System > Shopping cart and and checking the box [ ]Ordering Options can be defined outside of ShopSite . In your case you would also want to check the box [ ]Ordering Options can not be changed since the order options will not display properly in the cart since they are not being defined as actual order options.
Note that there is a template tag [-- PRODUCT.OptionFiniteText --] which simply lists the various order options but doesn't output all of the formatting for the order options. This allows you to feed the order options to a separate CALL program that can format the output however you would like. It may be simpler to create the CALL program than to do the ordering options how you are suggesting.