error "A previous Publish is still in progress, please

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error "A previous Publish is still in progress, please

Postby Webster_Munoz » Wed Mar 12, 2014 9:29 am

I followed the steps from an old topic but still does not work.

I ran the generate.cgi on "Publish", then it returned the message: "Please wait while your store is generated ..." the process ends however it still shows the same message, when I go back to the publish section it shows the alert: "A previous regeneration did not finish!"

I followed the steps to complete a clean regeneration deleting the files update.dat , update_i.dat , progress.dat, however I did not find the progress_i.dat file, and when I start to generate, it gets stuck once it has reached around the 15% of the progress.
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Re: error "A previous Publish is still in progress, please

Postby Jim » Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:19 am

Where is your store hosted?
How much processor time does the host allow a process to run before it gets killed:
How many products and pages are in the store?

Have you tried going to Utilities > Publish and unchecking the various publish options, (Index, Publish Css, Generate html) and then try the regenerate to see if that clears the error message?

Are you getting error message during the publish about problems with a template?
Does the publish always stop at a particular product/page? If so it could be a template issue for that page/product or the next one.
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Re: error "A previous Publish is still in progress, please

Postby Webster_Munoz » Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:27 am

It's hosted in a WindowsServer 2012, Processor: Intel Zeon CPU E3-1245V2 @3.40Ghz 3.39Ghz
96948 products
It worked by unchecking the various publish options
103833 total pages were added
However it shows 3 alerts stating that I did not select te options I unchecked before, ex: You did not select the "Index for Search" option... then I followed the steps to change them and click generate again but it failed again "Please wait while your store is generated ..." at the same 15% of progress
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Re: error "A previous Publish is still in progress, please

Postby Jim » Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:21 pm

That is a lot of products. I believe most windows OSs have a default of 60 seconds max time for a process to run. With that many products it would definitely take more than 1 minute to do the generation. Check and see if you can up the process time allowed by IIS.

The publish should be able to continue on from where it stopped if you just click the regenerate button. It may take several times doing that for it to complete.

Was this always happening or have you made some changes (added lots of products, assigned all products to a single page etc) and then the problem started happening?

I would uncheck all of the boxes on the publish screen and then do one step at a time. First do the Publish CSS files, then uncheck that option and check the Generate HTML Pages, then uncheck that and check the Index option
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Re: error "A previous Publish is still in progress, please

Postby Webster_Munoz » Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:55 pm

I change the time allowed by IIS up to 3600, then I tried to regenerate only checking "publish files(css~" and it worked, but it did not work with "Generate HTML pages~" .

This site is going through a migration and this is the first time I regenerate it after the migration.

I followed the migration instructions as they were indicated on the support site.
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