Header - Footer image not displayed

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Header - Footer image not displayed

Postby tristam » Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:58 pm

Hello, I am using version 12 r1 Starter edition. My problem is that even though I place my company logo under Preferences -> Layout Settings -> Header, it is not displayed in shopping cart, checkout and thank you pages. Same goes for the footer which is also an image with text. I guess that this is not normal since ShopSite itself explicitly says: "The following text appears at the top and bottom of EACH page in your store." Any ideas?
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Re: Header - Footer image not displayed

Postby Jim » Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:31 pm

What Theme is your store using? It may be that the particular theme does not use the header and footer fields.

Each of the shopping cart screens have their own configuration screens in the back office under Commerce Setup > Order system then Shopping Cart, Checkout, Confirmation or Thank You . On each of those screens there are two fields "Text at top of..." and "Text at bottom of ..." where you can put header and footer information. Note that the Checkout, Confirmation and Thank you screens are secure so if you use images on those screens make sure that you specify the secure url for the image.
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Re: Header - Footer image not displayed

Postby tristam » Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:54 pm

Hello and thank you for your quick response. I am using the "pinwheel" theme. It uses headers and footers and it displays them correctly in all pages (eg. product pages, start page, etc) exept the cart, checkout, confirmation and thank you pages.

I also tried placing my images in the header and footer sections under Commerce Setup > Order system then Shopping Cart, Checkout, Confirmation or Thank You. However the problem is that it doesn't quite place them in the actual header or footer section of the page. For example it places the header image UNDER the horizontal "ribbon" with the buttons instead of placing it on the top of the page as the word header would suggest. Same goes for the footer. Although it places the image of the footer in the lowest part of the page, it still is in the same "box" as the cart. There is obvious and significant diference in the appearence of the entire site. You can have a look if you like. My website is http://shop(dot)digit8(dot)gr

Thank you in advance
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Re: Header - Footer image not displayed

Postby ShopSite Lauren » Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:11 pm

I would recommend removing the code from the header field (which is only on your pages and products, not in the cart, registration, etc), and adding the image as the company logo under Preferences > Layout Setting. The company logo field will be displayed above the navigation bar in all areas of your website.
- ShopSite Lauren
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Re: Header - Footer image not displayed

Postby Jim » Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:39 pm

I see what you mean. I tried several of the newer themes and most seemed to function the same way.

I did find that the Standard theme put the global header content at the top of the shopping car and the footer at the bottom of the screen outside the cart content box. That theme uses the Flex-build set of templates which is also used for these themes Burst, Lights, Roller, Scoop, Ship-Shape, Simplicity, Smooth and Standard. So you might want to switch to one of those themes and see if you like the layout better.
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Re: Header - Footer image not displayed

Postby tristam » Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:41 pm

Yeah, I was kinda looking for that feature after reading through some posts in here. How do you add the image as a company logo? All I get under Preferences > Layout Setting is the Header and Footer text boxes. I am using version Starter 12 r1.
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Re: Header - Footer image not displayed

Postby tristam » Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:54 pm

Yes. Switching to one of the above mentioned themes solves the problem. Is there any way to edit some file and make the "pinwheel" theme work as well?
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Re: Header - Footer image not displayed

Postby Jim » Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:06 pm

Use an html img statement to load the image from your stores images directory. Something like
<img src="https://dummy.com/11sp3/html/jimsp3/media/bobbins/barberry-bobbin.jpg">

so copy the line below and put it in the Header text field
<img src="IMAGE_URL">

Then go to the images screen and select the image you want to use and click View images button. The url you need will be above the image. Just copy and paste that where the IMAGE_URL is in the above code.
You could add center tags, divs etc. if you want to format the layout a bit.

Then publish your store so the image will appear on all your pages as well as the shopping cart screens.

If you have a Footer image you would do the same thing in the Footer text field.
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Re: Header - Footer image not displayed

Postby Jim » Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:11 pm

Starter level stores do not have the ability to modify the template files. If you had a Manager or Pro level store then you could edit the templates but they are quite complex and it could be difficult to move things around.
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Re: Header - Footer image not displayed

Postby tristam » Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:28 pm

All right! Thank you very much for your support and your quick response.
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